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Everything posted by DeletedUser12345

  1. Most qualified for this position than any of the other applicants.
  2. 1.Name: Sprink 2. Current and former RP ranks: Security HFTO COL, Delta-5 IRO PFC, Former OH10. 3. SteamID: STEAM_0:1:433844802 4. DiscordID: Sprinklertek#9287 5. Why do you want to be an Officer?: I would like to become an officer of the newly formed Alpha 1 Branch to gain new experience and help the development and founding of the core fundamentals of the branch. I hope to reform and shape the branch to fix any problems of the past and any that come in the future. The branch intrigues me as I was around on the server when the original Alpha 1 existed and seeing them as a Security officer always made me look up to and like them. I think this is a great new opportunity that is irresistible for me not to take so that I can gain new experiences, and friends, and have some fun along the way! Ever since the last application that I made I took every reply to heart and wanted to be able to improve myself and better my experiences. I decided to rejoin Delta-5 in addition to this to prove myself and my skills. In my last application, people brought up the valid point of mistakes I have made in the past but I can guarantee you I have bettered and changed my ways. I will state here on my application that I was demoted previously in Security twice until I resigned. I then rejoined without reserves and climbed up to the rank of COL despite many individuals having doubts if I really had bettered myself. 6. What makes you competent enough to be an Officer?: I believe I am competent enough to be an officer due to my dedication and skills in my current positions. I possess the experience of being a former O5 Staff in RRH and know how to handle situations properly when it comes to Alpha 1 shenanigans. 7. How will you maintain strong relationships and communication with other branches?: To maintain strong relationships and communications with other branches I will frequently host cross PTs and operations to better our skills while working together. I keep in close contact with the command of every branch to be able to handle any situations that may arise when it comes to branch-related issues. I will have a zero-tolerance policy towards branch disrespect and will make sure to deal with any who are toxic or rude towards others in a malicious way.
  3. +Support Simple and realistic branch update. You love to see it.
  4. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: SCP - 073 'Cain' 2. Link(s) to player models: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2833897004 3. Link(s) to SWEPs: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2631344843&searchtext=SCP-073 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? It doesn't really matter since all damage to him is reflected so I'll say 1000, 1000. 5. Why should we add this SCP? I believe this SCP would be a fine addition to the server and would lead to more roleplay and testing opportunities for research. 6. Basic summary of the SCP: SCP-073, known by the alias "Cain" is one of the major protagonists of the SCP Foundation series. He is an immortal Euclid-class, and is the older brother of SCP-076-2. SCP-073 is directly based on Cain from the biblical Book of Genesis, who murdered his brother Abel due to God favoring Abel's sacrifice over Cain's. Cain was heavily cursed for this act. He is described as handsome, possessing black hair, olive-coloured skin and yellowish teeth. On his forehead is engraved a mysterious illuminating blue symbol of either Sumerian or Daevite origin, most likely the basis for the Mark of Cain. 7. Extra information: This SCP should be allowed to free roam when authorized by MTF very similarly to SCP-082
  5. +Support He showed me some of his abilities when it comes to building and I 100% believe he would make an AMAZING pick for Event Team.
  6. -Support I don't want you back in GenSec at this time.
  7. the text coloring and highlighting on this suggestions looks like throw up.
  8. Despite you disliking me I still think you did an excellent job in E11 command and would excel in A1.
  9. @BOx Put mat_specular 0 in console to fix those missing texture floors lol.
  10. Giving d-class smoke grenades would lead to less roleplay, not more. Completely prevents researchers from testing or doing any roleplay with d-class when they are constantly rioting.
  11. very memorable quote from our 44th president.
  12. -Support letting any dclass be able to obtain smokes would completely throw off the balance in dblock.
  13. +Support This is something Bread started long ago and I think it needs to be finished for organization sakes or the server.
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