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Everything posted by DeletedUser12345

  1. Forum Diplomat Message: Arguing amongst each other is in violation of the forum guidelines. Responses must be left to a + or - Support ONLY. If this rule is continued to be broken further actions will be taken as punishment and the post will be locked until SMT can review the situation Thank you -Forum Diplomat Team
  2. ROA or LOA: LOA Name: Sprink Rank: SET Start Date: 7/8/23 End Date: 7/15/23 Reason: Family vacation.
  3. Name: Sprink Warden Name (If Applicable): Achilles Rank: DHOS Length of LOA (MM/DD-MM/DD): 7/8 - 7/15 Reason for LOA: Will be on a family vacation.
  4. - Support I do not see how you could be remorseful for your actions when you are using racial slurs in responses on this appeal.
  5. He wasn't able to put the proof in the last one so he remade it with the proof
  6. Name: Sprink SteamID: STEAM_0:1:433844802 Current Rank: Senior Event Team / Senior Moderator. Current Warnings on your account. (Provide an image): 3, https://tools.gaminglight.com/profile/76561198827955333. Why do you think you should receive this role? (Minimum 150 Words): I believe I should receive this role for a variety of reasons. First of all, I've spent a lot of time in my position as Senior Event Team and gathered lots of experience over years of my playtime on the server. Over this time I've taken hundreds of Event Team sits and done tons of events and mega-events. Not only this but I've trained a large majority of the current standing trainees and have been the number one person to come to for questions and inquiries. My fellow Event team relies on my leadership and expertise for the overall functionality of the team. I love to be able to help people on a day-to-day basis both on and off the server. I believe receiving the Executive Event team will allow me to exceed and grow within the server and the community as a whole. I would be able to take my events to the next level if I receive the position and be able to better teach and mentor others to follow in my footsteps. What makes you different from your peers? (Minimum 50 Words): What makes me different from my peers is my vast knowledge of hosting mega server-wide events and experience. In my time as a member of the Senior Event team, I have hosted and assisted in the most mega events out of almost everybody else. I'm the first person that ET leads direct to when someone is inquiring about Mega Events or needing to be trained for Event Team. In my position, I've also helped in the reworking and updating of the weapon guidelines and achieved the record for most ET sits ever taken in one week (73). After this, I was offered the rank of Moderator by the Head of Staff without application or having to go through being a Trial Moderator at all. I have also never been striked or punished for missing quota or any other things How active can you be on a weekly basis?: I am on almost every day for multiple hours. BattleMetrics: https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/580964841?servers[4610158]=3M Are you experienced with mega events?: As stated before I have hosted and assisted in the most mega events out of almost everybody else in the Event Team and am currently the number one guy to come to when individuals are planning mega events or wondering how to. How many events have you hosted since joining?: 61 Event Logs. 4 Mega Events.
  7. +Support Seems like a simple & good change.
  8. Sorry, we have plenty of moderators supervising our trails currently. If you would like you can apply for Trial Moderator though!
  9. In-Game Name: Sprink Steam Name: [GL] Sprinklertek SteamID: STEAM_0:1:433844802 What is your staff rank and the server you work in? Senior Moderator, SCP:RP How long have you been apart of the Gaminglight community? 4 Years. How long have you been a staff member on Gaminglight? Since 5/10/23. How often are you online on the forums? Every Day. Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat? I believe I am qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat due to my prior experiences. I have been around in the community for a very long time and have gone through ups and downs in the past resulting in a plethora of positions and gained experience. I previously was an Admin & Forum Diplomat for SCPRP under the leadership of Rookieblue and had a lot of fun being able to help and oversee activities going on in the forums. In addition, I followed all the rules by the book and took lots of tickets on the forums helping all sorts of people. Not only do I have staff experience but I also hold the position of GenSec COL on SCPRP where I am constantly tasked with the enforcement of rules and helping new players on the server. In conclusion, I believe I am qualified for this position due to my prior experience and I hope to be able to make the forums a better place as a Forum Diplomat. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision? Yes, I would consider myself to have good judgment. I say this because I am constantly in charge of dealing with troublesome individuals in GenSec and with staff. I've gained experience in how to properly deal with situations between multiple players and have had to make extremely difficult decisions very often. I have even had cases where I have had to make decisions to punish even my own friends which is very hard but I make sure to never let bias control my decision-making. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers? I would start by hiding all the stuff the player has spammed onto the forums. Next, I would privately message the player telling them that spamming on the forums is against the rules and to just cool off and wait out their ban or attempt to make an appeal if they believe their ban was invalid. Finally, I would inform a Senior Diplomat of the outcome of the situation and that the individual needs a content moderation and forum warning to prevent any further conduct. How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal? If 2 users are arguing in a warning appeal I would first hide all the content that was not -Supports and +Supports. After I hide this I will leave a message in the appeal saying "Only comment +/-Supports or there will be repercussions". Next, I would take the extra step and message both of the individuals and inform them that their posts were hidden due to their arguing and they need to cool down.
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