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Everything posted by DeletedUser12345

  1. Thank you for being such a good CPT. +Support
  2. Well to explain for you this mod is on the server and is used for the RRH models and a couple of CC’s models but, for some reasons has not been added to the pack which means for most people they are errors. All I am trying to really do is simply get the mod added to the pack or the server I do not exactly know if the mod is on the server but the models are definitely being used on the server for branch’s.
  3. Post name: General Suggestion - Modern Warfare Mod Addition To Server/Pack What are you suggesting? - I am suggesting that a mod which consists of the models of many CC's and has Red Right Hand models in it to be added to the server pack/server. How would this change better the server? - This would make it so there is less RDM cases of people killing error's thinking they are D-Class CC's for example the Spy. What really made me make this suggestion was because some security RDM'D multiple Red Right Hand by accident and people are making sits because of OPSF and OPRF CC members being RDM'D also. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - No this would not add any disadvantages at all. The only thing would maybe be a little bit more lag because of the size of the pack but most of the models are being used on the server already. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Like I said less RDM sits and would make it so people who have these models can be seen and do not accidently get killed because of something completely out of there control. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=176238701
  4. That video was so sad for me to watch.
  5. +/- Support I cant really support yes or no because I have not really seen you a lot. What I can say though is you are really nice.
  6. +Support Since the day I started in security Ape as always been there to help and honestly he has been a great influence. Also Ape has the best balance between being serious and just having a great time with security.
  7. +support I love the sound of the events and I really think you have what it takes to be great at event team. I give the best of lucks to you and I hope you carry on being a great person on the server.
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