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Everything posted by DeletedUser12345

  1. I completely agree with what Squash said and you are a great member of Security.
  2. Noooooooo you were supposed to be the next high command!!!!!
  3. This ban was behalf of Balancer. He asked me to do the ban and so I was not involved in the initial sit. I will say though a little later someone asked me to check logs to see if he crashed or not and it said disconnect from user. +/- Support
  4. Alright I really like the idea of the mix and match. Like we bring back old d-block and HCZ back or something but, keep some of the things that maintenance or medical enjoy. +Support for mix and match.
  5. Might as well give him a chance. There is a ET trial period for a reason.
  6. -Support Constant minge, blacklisted from multiple branches in-game, posting inappropriate videos in discord.
  7. Please leave this topic to only +Supports and -Supports. If you want to discuss someone’s support then take it to private messages, not here. This topic will be locked the next time is happens.
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