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Everything posted by DeletedUser12345

  1. This mod is an error for most people on the server when they first join. I believe it just needs to be added to the server pack but, this mod is used for O5 Staff, Ethics Committee, and multiple custom jobs on the server. Content: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=176238701
  2. You should have know not to click the reconnect button during a sit. -Support
  3. +Support -Active -Shows Great Leadership Skills -Responsible -Good At PVP -Someone to look up to OH6
  4. +Support The reason for my + support is there really was not a lot of evidence in the clip to get him warned for something like this. There is so many possibilities that could have been happening during the event. From the video you can see that he is waiting his cool down so when it finished the closest person near him was a CI member. It would have been better for the staff member to hand out a verbal warning because there really was know way to tell what was going on there. Now I have no idea if Felix really meant to team or not but, I am just using the video to base my +support off of.
  5. Stay safe and I hope to see you back soon.
  6. DeletedUser12345

    Eem's LOA

    Don’t post your LOA’s on the forums.
  7. Hawk we had some good times in d-block in TeamSpeak. I will now not have anyone to knife fight
  8. It was fun hanging out on staff or d-class together. Good luck.
  9. Name: Sprink Rank: CPL Callsign: XA5 Date of LOA Leave/Return: 11/9 - 11/15 Reason (if private write N/A): I am dealing with other branch issues right now and I just need a break from CI
  10. 1. Steam Name?: [GL]Sprink 2. Steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:433844802 3. Roster Name?: Sprink 4. Current Rank?: CPT 5. When were you promoted?: Oct-31 6. How long have you been a member of GENSEC (roughly)?: 10 Months (Joined January 6th, 2019) 7. Do you promise to uphold all rules instated by GamingLight and by the many Security guidelines?: Yes, of course I promise to follow all server rules and Security guidelines according to what the MOTD and the SOP says. 8. Do you promise to uphold your duties as a command member in leadership, mentoring, problem-solving, etc.?: Yes. 9. Do you promise that you will listen and respect your lower / higher rankings?: Yes. 10. Why do you want to become a senior command member? (150 WORDS+): I think that I should be chosen for the Senior Command for a massive influx of reasons. First, of all I believe and I am responsible enough for this position. I may be pretty young, but trust me and I have enough responsibility to hold this position. First, of all I am Security's Deputy Head Field Training Officer so I am tasked everyday with managing and keeping up with all the trainers. Not only this but, I have to update the document frequently to fit the new Security changes. I also have experience with hosting these meetings properly and taking a suggestion from the SFTO's. Still adding on to me being responsible, I also hold the position of Administrator on the server and have to handle ban requests, help new staff members, and continue to prove myself worthy for this rank. Secondly, I am also respectful and active for my position. Even though I juggle multiple responsibility's on the server I have more then enough time to handle my rank as a Captain and I know I could handle the rank of Major. I make sure to respect my higher up's and always ask for their advice and hear out all of their suggestions and pointers for myself to improve. Now, for the part on my activity. I use most of my free time to hop on the server and fulfill my Security duties. On week days I spend almost 5 hours a day holding down D-block with all the NCO's and fellow Command members. On weekends I am also able to get on for at least 8 hours a day. I know this also shows my dedication of time to the server and Security as a whole. I deem to strive and show my dedication to everyone in the GenSec branch. I have met so many great friends on this server even if they come and go. Lately one of my closest Security buddies retired but, that will not stop me. I am dedicated to fulfill my duties and show that I really do care about this branch and I will never choose any other branch over Security. I promise to anyone that the day my journey ends in Security will be the day my journey ends on the server as a whole. Lastly, I would like to become a member of Senior Command is because I would like to help close the gap between Command, NCO's, and Enlisted. I want everyone to feel respected and part of the GenSec family. I have realized this through my journey as Command that is not fun if Command or NCO's just sit in other rooms avoiding each other just because of there rank. If we all come together we would have one of the most unified branch's on the server and everyone would have so much more fun. Who knows they might even make some nice new friends just like myself. 11. What would you do if a Security Officer was constantly leaving D Block?: Well, since most Security Officers are new and have not really learned the in's and out's of Security I would simply pull them aside to a calm place and inform them about the rules and when you should and should not be leaving d-block. If they continued to break this rule I would hand out a demotion to the Security Officer and inform him that he need's to be retrained and should reflect on his actions. 12. What would you do if an NCO kept on leaving d-block with terrible reasons?: I would ask the certain NCO to come back to bunks first so I could talk to them. Then I would inform them that as an NCO you be showing responsibility an leadership so when you are leaving D-block with reasons that do not make since you are being a bad example. I would continue saying that as an NCO you gain many perks such as leaving D-block on your own but, you should not be abusing this because it can be taken away very quickly. After they show a understanding of this I would go back with them to D-block. Even after I tried to negotiate with the NCO and they continued to do it again I would give them a strike for this occurrence. Finally, if they still do not stop I will do exactly as I said and take the power away by demoting them 1 rank and after that I am sure they should understand. During the whole event I would stay as professional and nice as possible to avoid any arguments or after effects. 13. What do you do if an E-11 private comes into d block and attempts to take command of all of the security?: If this happens before anything I will capture the clip of this happening using medal before moving forward. Since I have all the evidence I need I will interfere and inform the E-11 private that he is not allowed to be here in D-block without SA permission and even worse attempt to command all of Security. I will of course make sure he gets out of D-block and then call staff for breaking the MOTD rule. After I give the staff member the clip and they deal with the situation I will make sure to inform E-11 command of this incident and let them handle the punishments for this issue. If there is not E-11 command online then I will make sure to keep the video safe and contact a 2LT following the chain of command and like before giving them the clip and letting them know what happened and then let them handle the punishment. Finally, after everything is dealt with I will make sure to go over it in game and in TeamSpeak letting NCO's and Enlisted know that they should not listen to the E-11 privates orders and tell them that if it happens again just make sure to get a clip and do the same things that I did. 14. Explain the process of promoting a corporal to sergeant in your own words: So, first of all I would bring the individual back to bunks and inform them that they are being promoted. I will explain to them that they are being promoted to the rank of SGT but, you need to understand that with great power comes great responsibility. Since they should be in TeamSpeak then I will ask them to move to an empty room such as "Security Room 2" just so we can communicate better and be able to speak clearer. After that I will give the NCO guide and then open it up myself. We will go through all of the information in the guide such as how SGT's can only call protocols on Defcon 3 and lower and how to set up bind's to better and more efficiently call protocols in dire situations. After we finish going over the NCO guide I will tell them to keep the link saved somewhere just so you can go back to the guide for future reference. Once I have finished all of that I will move on to tell them that they are now the proper rank to apply for Command when the applications are open. I will also tell them that you will be informed of the applications opening in the discord multiple times before the deadline. Next to last I will give them the link to the GamingLight forums page where they can click sign up in the top right corner and create an account using there steam profile. After they have completed this I will make sure they change there in game name and discord nickname to there new rank. Once they have completed this I will give them there whitelist. Finally, for the training I will check if there is any SFTO's if there are some online I will ask the person if they would like to join the FTO program. Even if there are no SFTO's and I will go ahead and ask also and if they would like to join I will train them. When I explain what the FTO program is I will pretty much summarize to saying that the FTO's are the trainers of Security and are the building blocks of Security also. If they seem interested I will carry on but, if they see not interest in becoming and FTO I will send them back on there way to d-block.
  11. Also you still have to play Rust with us.
  12. During my time in security even though you arrived after I did you have always been a mentor to me. Someone to look up to and someone who would always get me through stuff. You were my mentor when I was a WO and you even helped me get into Wardens. I really hope you come back like you say you will and I will still always look up to you. I am not gonna even hide it I was really sad when you first told me and I still really am.
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