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Everything posted by DeletedUser12345

  1. This is more of a branch suggestion since it involves the Research SOP so here. @GLaDOS
  2. +Support it’s only like one guy using this class so I don’t mind it being this powerful and modified to your likings. Just please spare the poor OFC’s I beg you.
  3. Removal always results in a minimum 3 month staff restriction.
  4. +Support Not only this but, yesterday at a PT he was disrespecting a enlisted just because he accidently got stuck in the roof. This is very unprofessional and could be considered player disrespect or harassment.
  5. Phill Security will always miss when you went undercover as a CPL.
  6. I thought you were resigning for a hot minute.
  7. o7 sad to see more people go.
  8. Thanks for being such a great person. I remember when you were I think a SRIC of RnD and you trainned me.
  9. -Support Mingy For his Rank Recent Actions Against Security Generally I do not think he would be a good fit for ET.
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