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Everything posted by DeletedUser12345

  1. We absolutely do not need another MTF branch. Just imagine how this would devastate Nu7 and E11’s activity. I just can’t support something that would cause more harm then good.
  2. Everything is going to fall apart!!!!
  3. The punishment was not a violation of the staff handbook as you state. On SCPRP racism is not tolerated in anyway shape or form. If you can figure out how I violated the handbook please inform me. Adding on to my last reply this player had played multiple songs that had included the N-word. It was not like it was just one.
  4. -Support First of all Gamik stated that he did not hear you playing any music so that part does not matter. Second, during the sit after you played the song which had the N-Word in it multiple times you started disrespecting me and my voice/age. Wait out your ban! Finally you have over 23 warns on Police RP and 1 warn on SCPRP.
  5. -Support D-class in no way shape or form need a buff right now. Also if you get killed by riot control at the elevator then just go in the blind spot which is in the back middle of the elevator and you can’t be shot.
  6. "Most Active" That’s a funny statement
  7. +Support Amazing member of GenSec on SCPRP and and very active!
  8. It’s sad to see you go because it is so fun to get on RRH when you are on. Good luck, and I hope you return one day.
  9. +Support PDA did not know what LTAP was and warned someone for something not in the MOTD. I hope the ban and warn is removed.
  10. Please do not comment on every single +/- Support
  11. I am pretty sure that it should have a sign so this is the proper place.
  12. +Support Trustworthy Active Good Application I am surprised you were not already event team. Good luck!
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