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Everything posted by DeletedUser12345

  1. Name: Sprink Rank: Member Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY): 6/25/21 - 7/10/21 Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say): Going on vacation.
  2. +Support Whatever its been 5 months since the ban so I say we give him one final chance and if he messes up again then he should be gone from the discord forever. From what I have seen in game he has attempted to reform his actions and have a better attitude on the server.
  3. So I just noticed today that for some reason on the 106 swep the chasing theme does not work. It says on the swep if you click R it should play it. I hope this gets fixed cause I miss the scary feeling of hearing that noise.
  4. I agree with Jack and maybe to balance things out we can give MTF a new class too. Possibly a Tau 5 type modified human thing in Nu7 or something cool in E11 since Nu7 already has the SCP thingy.
  5. -Support The hit reg is garbage on the golf club so there is no point of nerfing it even more.
  6. He is suggesting a new room In Security bunks for it which would require a map update. Since the offices are too small.
  7. +Support I am willing to give Gubby one final try.
  8. This is the wrong place you were supposed to comment this on the post Sixx made
  9. Name: Sprink Rank: LTCOL SteamID(Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:1:433844802 Current Sub-Branches your in: FTO , Jugg, Sniper, Riot control, and Wardens. Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): I should retain my rank as LTCOL because I am not only one of the most active Gensec, but I also play off-hours, and I fulfill my duties to the best of my ability every day. I also believe I do, because I have been doing a lot for GENSEC, and devote a lot of time into this community. I want to stay here and make more friends, lead more people, and have fun. I am also very selective with my promotions because I don't want someone who is incompetent getting into a higher ranking position which can be a good or a bad thing depending on how you look at it. I hold myself as a command member to a high profile, I will do my best and I give only the best as a command member. Not only does my HFTO position show my leadership skills and responsibility but, I also enjoy being one and I love the program as a whole. Not only do I like my position I love Security as a whole and it is my main branch and always will be. I have been here in Security for over a year now and I would not like to stop now. Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Mind is loyal to CI, Jack S does meth, and Sixx is hiding D Class in his office. Besides that, nothing else.
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