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Everything posted by Mary

  1. Mary

    Frogs loa

    Take care, have a good LOA.
  2. Mary


    Neutral until proof is shown. Can’t ping him but yeah.
  3. I would suggest moving it to the other side if there’s room.
  4. +support I’ve only ever used AR’s and LMG’s while on GENSEC since the basic classes don’t have anything better. Plus it would be nice to see something different.
  5. Plus 999 would combat heal and things unfair
  6. I did not know this, I will ask the cheetah if I have his perms. I will edit the post or delete it if I can get a response in time! Edit: Cheetah man has allowed me to apply.
  7. This warn was for homophobia, which was false due to it NOT being anywhere near homophobic. Even as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, that comment was far from being offensive. The one regarding Maxi for teaming was NOT teaming yet the warn was for teaming with 682. The SCP Maxi was playing is supposed to kill ALL people he sees and it’s not his fault, he just happened to roll up and kill the MTF. Two false warns in my eyes. I will stop replying to not make this post longer than it needs to be.
  8. +Support I feel the staff member needs to be talked about on his current actions. He has given two false warns so far but he has warned quite a few people tonight. I wonder how many of those were true.
  9. A FAST LITTLE NOTE BEFORE WE GET INTO MY APPLCATION: Once I had fully left staff 2-ish days ago, I wasn't fully sure about doing it and it felt kind of wrong to do. Now as I watch sits stay up for 4 to 10 minutes I realize I have made a mistake. I may not be able to get my staff sits to 30, but I truly miss helping members of the community and other new staff members. What is your in-game name?: Mary What is your steam name?: Ryuko Matoi What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:519066521 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I am a past Senior Moderator for SCP-RP What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) I joined the server about 1-2 ish months ago. What date did you make your forums account? July 8th Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Event Team and Gold rank for donator How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 0 Have you donated? Yes. What rank are you applying for? Trial-Moderator Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? Nope. Have you read the staff guidelines at? You will be tested on it: Read and understood. Timezone: EST. Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) Trust: I am a well known member of the community, having been command in 2 branches and being in almost every single other branch at one point or another. I was also a past staff, having been a senior moderator and a current ET member of the server. Everyone that knows me truly can say how I can be trusted with the powers of staff and what comes with it. I admit I can be mingey from time to time, but I know how to bring myself and look at a situation maturely. I do expect for people to what me back in staff after just leaving but it was a mistake to leave and I would to be back on the staff team. Community: Many people have either meet me or heard about it as I have been in almost every branch. I was command in CI R&D for a while before leaving and I was also a MSGT before I had left. I am currently an E11 2LT and OH9 in RRH, I am also in medical and a few other branches. My point is, I have made a name for myself on the server per say. I am active on the forums helping people with their issues or just giving general feedback where it is needed. I am also on very late at night playing on D-Class with my friends or just chilling and chatting with the others on the server. My time on the server has greatly improved since the last time I applied for staff and I have learned more things from other staff like Starstep, Zeus, Garlic and even some thing from SMT. I may be strict with my staffing, however, it is all good hearted and I only want the best for the community and the server. With that being said, I will mostly likely become less strict as I have seen some things different since not being a staff member. Experience: I used to be a Senior Moderator on the SCP-RP server, but I had sadly left and I truly regret it. It was wrong of me to have left the staff team when it was one of the few things I am good at. I may have not been the best staff member or among of the most well liked, but I knew how to staff and help people with their problems. I miss that dearly as I watch sits be up for more than 5 minutes when I know full in my heart I could get their issue solved within the matter of seconds. What really blinded me and what lead to me leaving was my passion to get admin. I was very upset when I wasn't promoted and that mostly stopped me from wanting to staff and get fair. Looking back on it now, I see how selfish and wrong it was to do that. I really do miss staff and the people in it and I promise to take my time as staff slower than I did before to truly enjoy it and show that I earned my position. I don't fully expect to be accepted but I would love to be brought back if SMT deem it the best thing to do. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? Firstly I would bring the person to the sit who reported the player. I would ask for their side of the story then keep the logs to see how many people the reportee had actually killed, if any. If the report checked out and if the person had RDMed, I would then bring that person to a sit and ask them why. If they start to curse, I would first freeze them and gag the, and kindly explain to calm down and to not curse. If they continue to curse, I would gag them and add staff diss to the warn later on. Once that was finished, I would go ahead and warn the person for MRDM and Staff Diss then ask an Admin+ to ban the person for the amount of time needed. I would then go ahead and also tell the person the punishment they would be getting. I thank you for reading my application and your feedback! I really hope I can become staff once again but if not, I would fully understand! THE CHEETAH HAS ALLOWED ME TO APPLY AGAIN.
  10. +Support -Has learned ALOT since when this happened -Trusted friend and past command -mega cringe but still a good dude
  11. Mary

    Jay global 48HR

    Let’s eat it together as our last meal in the same branch ;-;
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