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Everything posted by Mary

  1. +Support -Cool dude and knows a lot about the lore -Great at PVP
  2. Please follow the format. Neutral until post is fixed/others give their insight in it.
  3. +Support -Great dude -Knows when to be serious about something -Almost always in TS
  4. In-Game Name: Mary SteamID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:123456789) STEAM_0:1:519066521 What is your ULX Rank?: Gold What is your RP Rank?: Former REDACTED-staff, E-11 2LT, RnD Ra. Currently GENSEC LCPL What is your timezone?: EST How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 8/5 Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): Yes, used to be a past ET member before leaving to take a long break from the server. How Active are you? (1/10): 9 How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): I have 0 warns for servers and 1 for the forums. Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: Reputation I have been apart of this server for roughly 3-4 months, more or less, and I am been in every branch the server has to offer. I have been command in a few branches and I have shown that I am someone who works hard for what they believe in. Everyone knows me as someone who likes to RP, even if its a simple conversation or when it's a surgery happening in medbay (When I was in medical). People that know me can say how much I like to engage with the community and try to make it better by telling a joke or just asking how someone's day was. SCP knowledge and RP While I can't say I know all the SCP lore, I know a rather large amount and how I could put that knowledge into an event for the server to have fun with. My past events show that I normally did GOI raids or just fun little SCP events that actually followed lore and made people really like it. Most people I normally don't break character unless it's to tell someone something or if it's someone asking a question. I like to RP with the community and have fun with the events I used to do and will hopefully be able to do again. Late hours I am mostly on when the server just got off peak hours or when the server is close to being dead. During this time, not a lot of events happen and I think that is a shame since some people can only be on during that time and late hours can get boring. If I was accepted, I would try to push for some events to happen during late hours and give people something to do. Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): In the past, I have done a few SCP-914 events in the past but I would like to do a little twist with one. So at the start of the event, I would spawn my dupe for SCP-914 and have another ET member act as the "guard" that would be guarding the SCP. I would then say on the PA that 914 had just arrived at the site and can be found in a place in the site. As people would come and see it, they could put things in and the SCP would work normally. However, half way through the event the SCP would start infecting some of the things with SCP-008. I would of course say this via advert and have an ET member or Senior ET there to bring them, change them, then return them. The event would go on with people killing the infected and SCP-914 then turning off or breaking. Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes. What is your favorite SCP? Why? As I have said before, SCP-1762 is my favorite SCP. This is mostly because this SCP works off the validation of others and will die if no one believes in it. To me, this seems like when people have dreams or goals of their own and stop believing they can achieve them. Without validation, the dream dies and disappears. Thanks you for reading my ET app!
  5. See you in 4 days smelly, take it easy
  6. -Support Just joined the server and low activity on the forums. Also having a recent warn and also I have no idea who you are, also seems others don’t know you. Also, as a trial mod you CANNOT ban whatsoever. You need an admin+ for the correct ban and the answer itself was confusing and rather hard to understand. Just give it some time
  7. +support Either add a line so it makes it fair or just change the shotgun. Also maybe make it to where GENSEC can’t sit on top of the barricade thing and just jump down on d-class. Highly unfair
  8. I made a global post about this but I will do one here Name: Mary Rank: Member Changes: Need to be removed, leaving ET
  9. Mary

    Marys' Goodbye

    So yeah, this was kinda coming for a log time now. I left staff, joined back and became very inactive in very branch. This is due to the server just being boring and not really fun anymore. Being active felt more like a low paying job that just wasn't cutting it, and my mood seemed to become a little more toxic as I went on. When I was on the server though, like truly active, it was the time of my life and I went some really great and amazing people. I even made a few of my best friends on Gaminglight. I will not be fully leaving, as I will be on my CCs from time to time and raise some hell as D-Class. I might also just remain as ET but my events are low and I doubt I'm counted as active. The people I have come to know on the server are a few of my closest friends and greatest allies. These are a few I would like to give a final goodbye to: Southpaw: One of the best pirates I know while playing Sea of Thieves and my best friend while rioting as D-Class. I wish you the best in whichever branch you make your home. Skyfly: First person I met when I joined E-11, and one of the best people at pvp I know. Also mega cringe but a good guy with a good heart. Garlic: The best captain I know and one of my closest friends. Get admin already smh. Starstep: A cool dude that I looked up while on staff and on D-Class. Get JMT already smh smh smh. Jack S: The oldest friend I have on the server (Besides Soviet) and my GENSEC buddy from forever ago. Get HoS, just demote Sixx and take his place. Zeus: My brother in crime and the greatest commander I know. I hope I'll see you back in a few months. Crabbo: I could say so much about you, but I'll maybe miss you the most. You are the coolest crab I know. Neo: My RnD buddy, you will always be my DHOR and my higher up. You should get HoR even though you cringe. Soviet: You brought me to the server and showed me everything I know to date. Play more CoDM with me even though the game sucks. Lil' Sixx: Smelly and that's all I wanna say. JK, I'll miss you bro and you deserve to get senior command. Kevi: Ugh, so smelly but I will miss the fun we had and the many soundboards I was able to get from you. Yato: Get command so you can do a voice reveal, smh smh. Soup: He let me join my first D-Class CC and is WAY better at pvp than Skyfly. And to stop this post from becoming HELLA long, I will be ending it here. To everyone else I know and become friends with, just know to always do what's best for you. I will be on from time to time to annoy everybody and riot but for now, this is goodbye. This is Mary, sailing off into the sunset. -Goodbye <3
  10. Mary


    Changing to -support
  11. Mary


    Neural until more of the story comes to light.
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