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Everything posted by Mary

  1. -support i think he needs a bit more time before being staff
  2. Anyone and everyone and have their opinion on whatever post. Does not matter if they are “just a member.” If you are fully admitting to breaking the rules then you should get full punishment for it. -Support
  3. +/- Support +you have staff potential -low forums activity -I have personally not seen you around -I feel like you need a bit more time good luck tho
  4. Mary

    A broken Cog

    I’ll miss you Cogs. I promise I’ll return to RND in the future
  5. NO ONE DANCES BETTER THAN ME. But for real, I’ll wish you. My E11 partner in crime
  6. In Game Name: Mary Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:519066521 Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + | Red Right Hand - ANY MTF/CI RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research/RND - Researcher+): Red Right Hand (RRH) If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: Any and all that would need protecting. How many Strikes do you have: 0 Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I would love to be apart of the 05 staff due to me wanting to help other members of the 05 staff. I would also like to be apart because I have always wanted to help the server and other people more since I have been on the server. As I have been more active these past few weeks, I have wanted to join to that I can better myself with the server and so that I can have some more experience with RP. I also want to be apart of it due to that fact that I would love to protect other high ranking members that might not always be protected from time to time. I would also love to be accepted because I feel like my RP lore would get much better and that I would learn to know more about the 05. Why should we accept you: Activity: Mostly everyone that knows me can tell you how active I am/can be. While I was still command in R&D, I was almost always on and helping the other members do tests/protecting them if they were testing or integrating foundation personnel. I also on during late nights, mostly when people were wanting to be trained or when other people were online to do stuff. I am also very active within E11, currently being a MSGT in the branch. I mostly spend my time on E11 doing my duties or on D-Class just having run. Reputation: I am well known throughout the server and the forums/community. I am a MSGT in E11 and a SFC in CI and I am currently a moderator for the server itself. I am also very friendly on the forums, helping people on their posts if they need help or just giving people fed back with whatever they are suggesting/saying. I am also friendly in game as well, saying hi or helping new players with their problems. I am very new to the server, I only have 6 weeks played but I believe I have proved myself and how respectful I am. Combat: Now I know this may not really matter, but as a RRH I feel that being able to protect someone is very important. I know that Surge may disagree with me on this but I have improved my combat skills very much. I have been active on MTF a lot more lately and I feel like my combat skills with a gun/knife have improved a great deal. I am not calling myself the queen of combat, but I have gotten a lot better at taking down D-Class/CI/MTF more quickly. If I were to be accepted into the team, I know my combat skills would improve with trial and error. Thank you for reading my RRH application! I put a lot of effort and time into this so I hope I get accepted. However, if I get denied I will only improve and learn from it! -Yours truly, Mary <3
  7. -support -no clue who you are -first event seems way to overpowered and does not seem fun at all
  8. So, I don't really know how to start this off but here we go. For the past month/weeks, R&D has become less and less fun for me. I try to get active but then I get discouraged and end up not playing as R&D. I've had these thoughts for awhile now, but I wasn't really sure how or what they meant. Don't get me wrong, R&D has helped me through a lot and I have met so many wonderful and caring people but I feel like I'm taking up an RA spot that someone more deserving should get. The work that I have done will hopefully pass down to the next RA and the next Head of Field Researchers, I leave all that with the person who becomes it. I will still be on the military from time to time or in the Lab if anyone needs help with logs. However, there are a few people I would like to mention before I fully leave R&D: Kevi: You furry, you'll make it far in the branch. Keep going, bro. Neo: Get DHOR my guy, also get rid of your body pillow. Vindertech: Mega cringe. Kami: Still gotta marry me in game. Cogs: Big furry uwu.
  9. +Support Cringertech has some good ideas, but all jokes aside he would be great for ET!
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