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Everything posted by Mary

  1. And just when I thought about maybe coming back , you up and leave on me. It was fun while it lasted, brother. I will miss you, good luck with whatever you choose to do in life.
  2. +Support It's HP was always a bit meh for me. Maybe like 2750 or 3000 would work.
  3. This was kinda coming for a long time now, since I will be 18 in 9 days of making this post. The server is not really fun anymore, I kinda grew out of it and I think it's time for me to move up with my life. I ain't making this super long nor am I mentions a long list of people. Goodbye guys!
  4. +Suppott Very cronge but would be a great person to have on the staff team.
  5. +Support Please let me come back to this.
  6. Name: Mary Rank: E11 SM, CI LCPL, GENSEC LCPL, ET Trainee, RM, and anything else. Duration: 4/27/2021 to 5/16/2021 Reason: My mental health is really bad right now, and I can't really force myself to be active on the server right now. I need some time to work on myself and get back into the swing of times.
  7. Doom guy coming back pog??
  8. I mean, if the owner banned you then it’s for a good reason. Gunna -Support since the big boi himself issued the ban.
  9. Almost makes me want to rejoin RND for this +Support
  10. Noooo, yato dont gooo. I will miss you ;—;
  11. In Game Name: Mary Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:519066521 Job applying for (O5 Logistics - MEDIC +/ADEPT + | Red Right Hand - ANY MTF/CI RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | O5 Research - Research/CI RND Researcher+): Red Right Hand. If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: Any and all. How many Warns do you have? Currently none that I know of. Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I would mostly like to rejoin the 05 staff team because I miss helping and being apart of the tests and research that the 05 research team did. I would also like to rejoin so that the 05 team and the 05 council have another trusting and skilled person to protect them with their research or just their daily lives. I also really enjoyed being a type of role model for the other members of the server to look up to. I would also like to join the 05 staff team to become better at combat skills and get a bigger knowledge of the lore surrounding the foundation and the 05 council within lore. Why should we accept you: Reputation: I have been a member of this community for about 8-9 weeks now, and I have been in mostly all the branches including RRH. I was also a senior moderator and an event team member before leaving due to family issues. Now, I am looking to become more and more active in the server now that those issues have bene dealt with. I have taken my reserves for E-11 and I am also in CI. Everyone that is either an old member or semi old probably knows of or about me. Trust: I can be trusted with such a high role as RRH because I was a command member for 2 different branches, meaning that I know not to abuse my power or threaten others with a strike, demotion, etc. I took great pride and honor being an 05 staff member and I only ever used my power to help others out or suggest them for a promotion. I remember being apart of a mass test with a 05 researcher and I suggested a few people for a promotion. Combat skills: As I have become more active as playing d-class, my combat skills have greatly improved since I made my first RRH application. I have been able to take down the people I am fighting rather fast and I have learned mostly how people will react to being shot at. I can slightly predict how people with react and where they will go depending on who they are fighting. I have become skilled with the weapons d-class have and with using shotguns, though they will be nerfed (thank god). I also how to control a big group of people and tell them where to go so we can make it out of a situation on top. I know how to become a leader of a group if one is badly needed. Thank you for reading my application!
  12. Name: Mary SteamID: STEAM_0:1:519066521 Trello Name: It's either "Mary" or justmary59 Rank: Trainee Do you have Ts3 tags? : yessir Is the roster properly tracking your quota?: Yes IF MEMBER - Do you have an interest in a SET position?: N/A
  13. Mary

    NVG's - Denied

    While this is cool, the NVG’s are really buggy and glitch out somethings as I have used them for ET. It would be nice, but eh, maybe if they didn’t glitch out so much. +/-
  14. Plus if we did switch, EVERY branch would have to do a branch update and make rules about which weapon to use and which attachments they couldn’t use (like research for explain).
  15. Denied Please try again in 2-3 business days.
  16. Don't make the map bigger, I already get lost enough ;-;
  17. Mary

    What about him?

    I get bullied ;-;
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