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Everything posted by Frog

  1. -Support, I was a witness and I do not believe LuckyGoose did anything wrong in this situation.
  2. -Support I suspect that the disrespectful stuff that you said about Snar and Gaminglight in the UMC discord is what got your ban extended. Ban should stay
  3. Major -Support, player was asked multiple times to stop and refused, leading to a staff sit being called. He adverted "ISIS Radio" implying that all Arabic Music is ISIS music.
  4. big +support, hes pretty creative which is obviously a benefit to the Event Team
  5. I was there during the situation, I don't believe Maddog fired a single shot during the entire situation, so that part is true. I also recall him saying he needed to go AFK for something, but he did not specify what. -Support
  6. Its pretty obvious that a command member would not knowingly do this, it was clearly a mistake. Giving someone a warn which is permanently on their profile for this seems unnecessary.
  7. changing to a -Support, replied to own application
  8. I was going to put you there but you arent in DS anymore
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