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Kami- Amaterasu

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Everything posted by Kami- Amaterasu

  1. -Support Man just come back and instantly applies for VCMDR? I feel like someone whose been constantly there should get the position. Sorry Kuzon your a good man. Also on LOA, so havent seen the activiy.
  2. Bruh im broken. (My children are all leaving an doesnt even remember me ;-;)
  3. until
    A beast attacks some ISD members on hoth
  4. Omi9 and Nu7 literally got merged because of activity: and you wanna bring in another branch? It’s going to be pointless and unnecessary honestly I can agree about the PK system returning but bring back another branch is just completely pointless To add on to this- I had suggested before the merge to just rename the branch into a new type, to make it fair for Omi9 merging members not to lose its moral but everyone was pretty much against it So Nu7 got to stay
  5. -Support I'm honestly sorry Winkie, you are a great person however i have not seen you on IF in over a week you just got on today and i think you need a little more time to show your activity before you apply again to ID10
  6. Spaghetti's Been nothing but dedicated to the Medical Battalion
  7. Rebel Event Part 2 against 501st
  8. Last I remember you could only ban people for LTAP if they leave during a sit. (Unless its MRDM) One he was never brought to- he mentioned he that was TRYING to leave but the doors were locked, resulting in leaving the server. No sit was with him to explain what he done, he shouldn’t be banned for LTAP in my opinion I’m going to +Support this
  9. -Support - didn't follow format - I had closed the doors before leaving- you did not exit the cell, you went back in and just opened them back up - I couldn't arrest you due to you clipping in the floor in the first place, hence why i took out my gun. Face the fact that you got banned, and wait it out
  10. but. .. you're Doom Guy . . .. I feel betrayed
  11. SUIT GUY WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I'll really miss you beanz hopefully youll come back soon
  12. In Game Name: Kira (Kami) Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:60884699 Job applying for: O5 Logistics (Maintenance) How many Warns do you have?: 1 from ages ago. Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: Ever since I was a small child, my brain worked like a computer. Information filled in this small little head I had like I was a sponge soaking it all in. I had . . . Well witnessed the fact of what this group was and what more it could become if I was to assist in your little endeavors. Being apart of the Suit's Guys henchmen has all the necessities I could to learn even more. The Information is limitless, and the opportunity is wide. I would like to join these people because they work hard to get what they want, they work for their own types of information, information that is new, information that is useful. This isn't just for myself however, I wish to help Kudo in a way he needs, For now he needs distance, he needs to learn to care for himself, and being in such a position will force him to be distant, as I wont be around to help him for long. Why should we accept you: I am fairly skills in the arts of the mechanical needs that your . . . staff possess. I believe Suit Guy has a lot to learn from a new member such as myself. New exchanges. All they would get from accepting me is more of a gain of power, and I have to say that everyone enjoys that. I work hard, and I do my part, I am not weak, I would not fall so easily. I have all the necessities and skills needed for this position. It's all the matter of if you, reaching out your hand for the shake. I'm said to have a firm grip, well professional like.
  13. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16fDn27xOFVWrkVsQ94LhnY7psrPnvemSdbZ0FiZt6aE/preview?rm=minimal
  14. +/- Support Great application and is a trusted individual -support for the reason is that you arent really on actively as other possible choices. I think i only really see you on once a week
  15. There is still a rule about the whole not doing rogue trooper events such as this for the same reason. Also in MOTD "You are not to go rogue nor use it as an excuse to kill people" either way idk how to react to it
  16. 1. What’s your Ingame Name? Kami 2. What’s your SteamID (steamid.xyz if you need to get it)? STEAM_0:1:60884699 3. What is your Rank? MJ 4. What’s your time on the Server? 12 Weeks 5. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 0 6. How many warnings do you have on GL? 1 For metagaming ages ago 7. Who gave you permission to apply? Frank 8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 7 9. Why do you think you’re fit for H.L.P.R. Bot Alpha (60+ words)? I am a perfect fit for the HLPR bot due to the fact i can role play well and respond easily in protective scenarios against any threat to the Maintenance member I am protecting. I am experience in such areas as I have previously been an HLPR bot in my past. Working as a HLPR bot I can help the maintenance member get safely to the areas they are going and myself can go safely to fix containment cells if needed. 10. Chaos Insurgency is raiding and you see them breaching a Keter SCP (like SCP-035). What do you do? Report it in comms and make sure the maintenance member im watching over is protected.
  17. In-game name: Kami SteamID: STEAM_0:1:60884699 Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: MO Lieutenant / DT PVT Have you donated to the server?: Yes Have you been banned on any GL server before?: No Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: I received one Warning for meta-gaming on SCP-RP How much time do you have on the server?: 1 Week How well do you know the LORE? Explain: I have to admit, i dont know to much into starwars lore, as I've only watched the movies as well as only a few side lore-wise videos on YouTube. I'm not to indebth with the Imperial age, as I was more of a Clone Wars person myself, but when coming into making events i am always sure to do my research before going into something dealing with more of a lore aspect. Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: As a gamemaster I am able to bring more of a wide of different types of creative events to the ISD. It brings more opportunity for a variety of Roleplaying aspects when bringing such events onto another server. I wish to become a Game Master to show new entertaining ways of roleplay through out their time on Imperial RP. Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: As a previous Senior Event Team member I have been trusted in a position to watch over the incoming Event team members to be sure they do not abuse their powers as a Event Team member. I have been trusted in many positions to oversee others in other ways such as command positions. Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: Yes I've used ULX A lot before Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: I had been a Senior Event Team within SCP-RP so i know a little bit about how to make events. I understand that Being an Event Team member isnt really the same as a Game Master due to the fact that a Game Master has more of an affect throughout the ISD when doing different events throughout the ship. Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: On Ship - Picture this: A imperial distress signal has been detected by the ISD, one of the imperial ships had been 'attacked' by some rebel ships and are requesting assistance from the ISD. Using that the ISD will have to hyperspace to the remains of a destroyed imperial ship. The Distress signal within the rubble of the remains, needing retrieval. But it turns out that it was a trap, Rebel ships fly around the ISD, shooting drop pods into the hangers when it opens for SF To fly out to attack. The Rebels have infiltrated the ship throughout the ISD and its the troopers job to fight back. Off Ship- I would have this one carry off from my on ship event. After the capture of one of the rebel leaders, and the excruciating torture that bestows onto them, the Rebel would lead that there had been another group of rebels camped off at Hoth, preparing for another trap for when the ISD Hyperspace to the planet. If the rebels were successful in getting the data and transferring it down to the rebel base at Hoth, it would be the ISD's troops cause to go get it back from them, wiping yet another rebel camp from taking any information from the ISD. Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): Yes. !give "Name" *Weapon Path* Or !give ^ *Weapon Path* EX: !give ^ rw_sw_dh17 Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): Yes. You would find the model you want and copy to clipboard then o !model ^ *Model path* EX: !model ^ models/armacham/scientists/scientists_2.mdl Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?: Yes
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