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Everything posted by Kev

  1. +Support -Dedicated agent -Active -Past officer experience -Would make a good officer if given the chance -- However you can be a bit mingy at times but you know when to stop and you have shown you can stop in the past as well and I believe you would be a lot more serious if given the chance to be a officer I just hope you can prove me right and you probably will.
  2. Kev's IF Squad Lead Application To my knowledge IF officer Apps are open please correct me if I am wrong What is your In Game Name? Kev What is your Agent Name? Kyle Thorn How Long Have You Been In Inferno Squad? Around 18 Days Why Do You Want To Become A Squad Lead? [150+ Words] I want to become a Squad Lead because I believe I can help the battalion in terms of leadership and helping Command / SL+ with things they need help with for example docs I know how to use and make docs due to my previous command positions which is a good skill to have even if its not used. Another big reason I want to be a squad lead is we currently have a lot of agents are coming in now which is shown by the recent increase in activity IF is gaining and they are not getting the recognition they deserve which is no ones fault because its a gmod server and people have IRL things to do so people who can promote those agents wont be on at all times so I'd like to start promoting / recommending people who show they are deserving of such things when normally they wouldn't be recognised. Finally, I would love to become a Squad Lead because I have been doing well in my NCO position currently and believe I know I can do more in a officer position if given the chance by command which I know I can prove in my 2 week trial period. I have one more thing to address which is my past because I am known for leaving battalions when I get a officer + position which is sadly the truth I have made a lot of mistakes on GL and I wish to make no more I can see that I have been a idiot and have grown from that and would like to prove that I have. How could you assist Inferno Squad Command with this rank? [75+ Words] I could assist Inferno squadron by doing more sims I recently have been pushing for more sims and practices and I'd like to continue them as well I can start promoting / recommending people with this rank as I stated and with my past experience in command I can make criticisms of what we need to improve on or what we need to fix in the battalion as well I can bring make sure rules in IF are being followed for example recently the battalion has been told to stop minging so I can help enforce this rule if it is being broken. How many strikes do you have? 0 and I have no warns since I started my time on GL What Qualifications could you bring too the Inferno Squad Command Team? As I have stated In this application and in others, I have been IF SL IC CMDR and 501ST ARC CPT as well as Second Sister so I can bring leadership, Document work if needed and maturity to IF Command Team Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 2 Week Trial Period? Yes.
  3. Kev's Inferno NCO Application What is your In Game Name? Kev. What is your Agent Name? Kyle Thorn. How Long Have You Been In Inferno Squad? 9 Days. Why Do You Want To Become An NCO? [75+ Words] I want to become a NCO because I know I can help officers / command and lead IF outside and inside the ship e.g. in events and sims and I have been a SL in the past as mentioned at the bottom which was a very good experience on GL as well I am active this is shown by the 1 hour+ every day I put into inferno squad it also shows I'm passionate about inferno squad. How could you assist Inferno Squad Command with this rank? [30+ Words] I would assist Inferno squad command by doing more sims like battalion v battalion to make sure agents are good at PvP and give recommendations on which agents are doing good based off events / sims and activity as well I would gladly lead IF in events and around the ship whenever needed Finally I would make sure no agents are acting immaturely or being arrogant to other battalions. How many strikes do you have? 0 Strikes and no warnings. What Qualifications could you bring too the Inferno Squad Command Team? I used to be a CMDR of IC and a past IF SL plus Second sister so I know how to act how to lead and what to do whatever is needed of me and more. Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 1 Week Trial Period? (Failing the Trial Period will result in a demotion) Yes.
  4. +Support just seems mingy and pretty much a attempt at mass rdm to me -The excuse I hear a lot for this type of stuff which is minge hours at late night which has been a problem since I can remember SMT have stated multiple times that does not exist so that excuse is not valid here
  5. If this was approved by lazz (The IC CMDR) please say so as a lot of IC updates are coming out without saying this leaving people confused as I am... Also I'm pretty sure a buff is already in motion (hotshots stream he mentioned something about it) But +Support anyway
  6. (He is a CPT he is allowed to apply... just saying rank up more makes absolutely no sense ) Its a +Support from me Aura proves to be a really good leader daily and is always active as well he is super friendly I've never seen this guy get mad he always handles any problem people have with medical troopers So in my personal Opinion he would be a good VCMDR to have in medical
  7. +Support If what he claims is true I could not see any reason for Dredgen to get this warn there might've been a mistake with names in game and steam names as it has happened before but I'm very interested to hear the admins side of this
  8. As a bounty hunter I have no problem with being arrested as it is 100% valid if I get arrested as if someone sees you kill someone you should be arrested so overall -support
  9. +Support Ok so yes Nimo did get staff restricted for saying well some bad things but he has fulfilled his punishment and people can change over time + everyone deserves a second chance as well it is obvious he is very loyal to the server he has been here since I can remember and he has a streak of 300+ Finally if SMT feels he's ready to be un-staff restricted theres no reason why this guy should not be staff and he was a great staff member in the past.
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