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Everything posted by Kev

  1. +Support - Pisces is one of the most devoted officers ever, this guy is a try-out and Sim machine that any battalion would love to have and although he recently transferred in I believe he would be a amazing VCMDDR -Approachable and funny to be around - Good luck!
  2. He does a wonderful job and all around he is a great guy to talk to and every interaction with Steeley is enjoyable!! Huge +Support
  3. Kev's Purge / IQ VCMDR Application 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Purge LTCOL Kev 2. What Regiment are you applying for? Purge / Inquisitorius Vice Commander 3. Why do you want to be a Vice Commander of this branch? I want to be a Vice Commander because I trust that I have multiple past command experiences in the past that will help advance IQ into a better place with more tryouts and more SIM's that will help evolve IQ I can also easily handle problems if they do occur within the battalion this can be a lack of activity or Officers not fulfilling their duties and being genuinely lazy within IQ. Another reason I want to be Vice Commander is because I'd like to help the current command team of Purge & IQ because Purge just had Gronk & Valoons resign so I'd like to assist with him with experiences I have had in my time in Gaming light Imperial RP. Another reason I want to be Vice Commander is because I have a lot of dedication to gaming light and IQ being here since around December 2020 (I made my forums account later on if you're wondering why the dates don't line up) Which is a lot longer than many other people on gaming light at this time and why I have had so many command positions / officer positions in imperial RP, Getting back on track I want to be Vice Commander because I'm dedicated to gaming light and IQ this is shown by me being Commander of IQ (Second Sister / IQ Hand) Back when Frost was Grand Inquisitor and more recently I was the VCMDR of IQ (Eighth Brother). Another Reason I want to be Vice Commander is I believe I'm more approachable and easier to talk to because I don't take stuff serious when I don't have to which is something I will admit to I'm not saying I don't take anything serious if there is a problem I will address it but I believe a more laid back approach will make me seem more approachable by people with a valid opinion on how IQ can become better so in essence I want to show a more easily approachable VCMDR because I do have a laid back side that I often show and I believe that will help Inquisitorius 4. How much game time do you have on the server? On Tab menu: 19 weeks On Battle metrics: Around 1,375+ Hours 5. What is the Main Purpose of a Vice Commander for a branch? There are multiple purposes of a Vice Commander of a branch to name some of them; 1. One of the main purposes of a Vice Commander is to make sure the Battalions is active and the officer core is active and doing their duties which are sims and to make sure NCO's are doing tryouts and keeping good behaviour when on job, because this will lead to a snowball effect which basically if the Officers doing a good job / setting a example this will knock on to the NCO's and therefore the Enlisted and keeps the battalion working and active. 2. Another purpose of a VCMDR is to assist the CMDR whether this is updating Docs/Google Sites or assisting with any problems in the battalion that have come up through Chain of Command to do this you also need to have good communication because this means there isn't any miscommunication which can brood problems in IQ 3. A Purpose that is often overlooked is to keep Roster updated and to make sure all battle metrics are recorded / being checked because if the rosters aren't updated people can be promoted and not recorded and officers can go with being inactive which will slowly hurt the officer core however in IQ this barely happens due to the amount of command members but it may still occur. 4. A final main purpose of a Vice Commander is to be easy to approach by officers and to make sure to get outside opinions of the battalion. What I mean by this is if the officers have a problem with the batt they should feel like they can approach the Vice Commander with any problems they need to address and what I mean by getting outside opinions of the battalion is that it is very easy to say your battalion is doing good but in other time zones you may not know what is going on so its a good idea to consult people from different time zones on how IQ is doing 6. Why should we trust you to be a Vice Commander? : You should trust me as a Vice commander because I have 0 Warns which shows I know the rules and I have multiple past command experience so I know what I'm doing if I do get the command position and I want throw the battalion into chaos to name my command positions in the past = Second Sister / Eighth Brother / IF Commander / IC Commander / Naval Commander and I've had officer positions in other battalions like 501st (LTCOL). I also know how to run a battalion and assist the Commander and I have been around gaming light for a long time so I would say I'm a fairly well known member in gaming light imperial RP based off these points I hope you would trust me as a Vice Commander of Purge. 7. How often can you be Online? : I can be active and I am on almost everyday. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : 0 Warns. (Thankyou for taking the effort to read my application and please leave your opinions below)
  4. +Support -Has Experience as a officer before -Friendly -Knows what to do and when to be serious -Easy to Approach - Good application Good luck drilla!
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