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Everything posted by Kev

  1. -Support Just Not needed due to: -Bridge already has protection from RG and DT -Bridge sometimes gets crowded this would not help. -DT and RG already have assigned vip lists (e.g RG guards Army command / IQ Command and DT guards naval command ) so the highest ranking will already be protected - I believe there are assigned places so RG and DT already have assigned spots and they would have to create new ones for Riot troopers
  2. -Support -No offense to you but saying you have "Command experience" in different servers could be a lie as well that means nothing because on different servers it can be easier to get high ranks depending on the server. -Plus again you are an enlisted normally CMDR / VCMDR applications has to be CPT+. - You seem very immature by replying to people's -support with comments especially when their -support is valid
  3. Kev's IQ Second sister application 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : Overseer Kev 2. What Regiment are you applying for? IQ / Second Sister 3. Why do you want to be a Vice commander of this branch? I want to be VCMDR Because I believe I can help strengthen the already extremely good command team as well I believe I can help IQ Command team with anything they need due to being a previous VCMDR and CMDR and a officer in 2 battalions so I know how to be a good working VCMDR and I have been extremely dedicated and passionate to IQ this is showed due to I haven't joined a different battalion and have only played IQ/Purge as well I believe I can lead IQ well in events as I have many times as a Overseer 4. How much game time do you have on the server? Around 753 hours according to battle metrics / and 10 weeks according to the tab menu 5. What is the Main Purpose of a Vice commander for a branch? The Main purpose of a VCMDR is to do multiple things that help the CMDR and the branch e.g - keep the roster updated as much as possible and to help the CMDR with anything he needs help with or needs you to do. As well to keep the branch in a orderly fashion and deal with any problems the branch has as well a VCMDR should assess whats the weakness and strengths in the branch a way to do this is ask other VCMDR's and CMDR's their opinion for a outside view finally the main thing to do is keep the branch active with sims or planned events with gm's 6. Why should we trust you to be a Vice commander? : You should trust me to be a VCMDR because I have past command experience being a VCMDR and a CMDR before as well as a Officer in 2 battalions like I stated above, This means I know how to act how like a CMDR/VCMDR which means I will not show immaturity or be petty and I also have 0 sits against me showing I do not break server rules and barely get into arguments 7. How often can you be Online? : Every day I have only taken 2 LOA's in my entire time at GL which is 8 months now yes I did leave the server for a while because I was due to go to university but as my university has been shut down so I have no plans for the forseeable future except from school but I will stil be able to be active. 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : 0 warnings, 0 sits against me
  4. no one saw this coming. Bro you'll be missed hopefully we can stay in touch.
  5. As of today I'll be resigning from boss and GL in general for a bit for personal reasons and I need to focus on the future as ill be heading to a university soon. its been a long journey I believe 4 months now I cant say I have any regrets as it all led me to where I am now, I would do a mention section but there's too many people to mention sadly most of them are resigned. a lot of good friends met on the way I hope to stay in contact with you all as well. Ill be on now and again. Sorry for leaving on a short notice and especially since 2 command have already resigned But I felt like I needed to get this out. good luck to everyone in the future. To IC: Its been a long journey to see the old VCMDR's go and new ones come in, I feel like IC is at a good place with the command team so I have no worries as of i'm leaving 2 extremely capable VCMDR's are easily capable of taking the CMDR place (good luck to both of you in the future) I hope you go far I couldn't have asked for better VCMDR's I get that its hard to keep a battalion with a $50 price tag active and filled but I know you will try you're best sorry that im going on a short notice I hope you get the update IC needs. I wish you all the best in you're lives. im not really good at these... -IC CMDR 1138 Boss / Kev
  6. I belive this has already been tested and didn't work / it was denied but if it works its a +support from me
  7. - Dedicated to IC - A really good officer - Knows how to lead and how to create docs already - Fit for VCMDR good luck from Kev - (Boss)
  8. Major +Support - Models look great - Much needed update - Will make the battalion better Thankyou badaim for helping us with this - IC Commander Boss (Kev)
  9. test 501st officer job's hitbox they're really bad aswell
  10. Kev's 501st VCMDR Application 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : 501st CPT ARCAL Kev 2947. 2. What Regiment are you applying for? 501st Legion. 3. Why do you want to be a vice commander of this branch? I want to be a VCMDR of this branch because I am really passionate about the 501st shown by my recent activity and the sims I have held. however currently I am still on LOA. and I believe I can better it overall our activity has been doing good but and has a recent dip but if we continue to hold try-outs and enforce activity but now we should start giving people reasons to play e.g. sims so we can keep numbers high within the 501st and look towards improving the battalion by getting peoples opinions on what we can do to better it. As well I want to be a VCMDR as I believe I am ready for it having a past experience as scorch and a IF SL so I know how to act and what to do to be a good VCMDR of the 501st. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? Around 541 hours. 5. What is the Main Purpose of a vice commander for a branch? The main purpose of a vice commander is to keep activity up as activity reflects on a battalions CMD because if its slacking so is the CMD team, and to help the commander or senior commander with anything they need. as well a VCMDR should keep a eye on officers making sure they are acting correctly and a big personal thing for me is to keep rosters updated as people should know who is in or out of the battalion because if not it can cause problems. Another priority is to keep the battalion in a orderly fashion. Finally in the 501st since we have sub divisions we should make sure they do try-outs often as having troopers in them makes the battalion more diverse. 6. Why should we trust you to be a vice commander?: You should trust me to be a Vice commander as I have a good rep on the server by having no warns or sits against me as well I been a vice commander and a IF SL in the past so I know what to do and I will not mess up the battalion on the first day another important thing is I know how to act like a vice commander e.g not minging on the radio and if I am chosen for ground command I know how to act as I have led multiple in the past. 7. How often can you be Online?: Almost everyday and I have only taken 2 LOAs. (counting the 1 I am on right now) 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : 0 warnings and no sits against me.
  11. Kev

    501st ARC update

    I understand it may seem odd but Pentagon has seen this and is fully ok with it
  12. Kev

    501st ARC update

    What do you want to see? - These weapons added - (Blue) / removed - (Red) to 501st ARC Trooper below: + Deployable Shield + Dual DC-17 + IQA-11c - TL-50 - DH-17 Why should we add it? - ARC Troopers specialize in all types of ranges for combat. The addition of these weapons would allow us to do our "jobs" better. Along with allowing us to work alongside Imperial Commandos and helping them with Recon. Helps ARC be able to work with other recon battalions and other special forces battalions if needed. What are the advantages of having this? - Helps us do our jobs better with other recon/special forces battalions and makes ARC more versatile. Who is it mainly for? - 501st ARC troopers Links to any content -N/A - I have been given permission to post this by pentagon - 1LT ARCAL Kev
  13. 501st Shield swap Job Name: 501st SGT/Heavy/Officer/ARC Trooper/Commander/Vice Commader I Jobs Model Path: N/A Weapon Kit: get rid of heavy_shield on the classes and replace with deployable_shield Health: N/A Armor: N/A Description (Optional): Reason for change : As our hitboxes overlap the heavy shield meaning we can still be shot through the shield rendering it useless as we can still be shot however the deployable shield is more usefull as we can deploy it and use it as cover and then we cant be shot aswell it dosent require someone to hold it making defending / attacking easier as it can be picked up and placed down as the force moves. Finally this has been discussed already and it seems the 501st would prefer a deployable shield because overall, it fits us more in battle and we cant be hit unlike the heavy shield aswell these have been tested in sandbox and the deployable is much better to use - I had pentagons permission to post this
  14. +/- SUPPORT - Could do /me fires Ion cannon in events aswell - Turbolasers would always be manned - Would make sense rather than a ST PVT firing a Turbolaser ---- - Activity would be low as Turbolasers Is not the funnest thing to have a battalion based on - Nothing to do in off maps / around the ship during defcon 5 Would be good as a speciality
  15. Kev

    Kevs 501st Officer App

    Dont comnment I got promoted anyway (for some reason I cant remove posts)
  16. Kevs 501st Officer Application Disclaimer: I have already made a officer app and this is the new one Rank You are Applying For: Officer/2LT In-Game Name: Kev SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198893347865/ Current Rank: CSM How long have you been in your current rank?: 4days What timezone are you in?: UK / GMT How many Warns do you have?: 0 Permission: Pentagon Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum):I believe I should be promoted within the 501st because I'm active on a day to day basis as well I am experienced in leadership by being a previous VCMDR in IC and Officer in IF and a current CSM and have led multiple sims I have set up between the 501st and other battalions which I hope to continue and in them I have proven myself capable to lead troops and in that SIMs help enlisted work with different battalions and with other troopers well and builds teamwork aswell it shows we are trained. Another reason is I'm not argumentative shown by I have never had a sit against me and 0 warns and can solve problems quickly without it becoming a bigger problem as well I have only ever taken 1 LOA on my time here on Gaming light which is approximately 451 hours showing I'm dedicated to the server and no LOAs in the 501st nor ROAs. As well I have worked well with the current officer team so I believe I am trusted to become a officer as I wont ruin the battalions rep only better it through sims and training and I hope to get criticism from a outside opinion e.g other battalions and what we are doing wrong / what we are doing right and either fix or better them points to help the 501st thrive within Gaming Light imperial RP (233 words) You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes
  17. the best backstory I've ever seen.
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