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Dr. Shaw who is inactive

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Everything posted by Dr. Shaw who is inactive

  1. + Support + More RP! + Light will resign But you should make it 75 health and 50 armor. Not the same as the operative
  2. Updoot A case is now within an hour of me Schools and the uni is shut down and I am isolating myself. Lets hope we don't die. More updates soon.
  3. I honestly don't need to explain why this is a -Support No, just no.
  4. When I told sinnik that unless they got everything confirmed they couldn't punish him for just allegedly saying something about peggu in spanish. He pulled me aside and gave me a notice that 1. You have been retrained and removed from gensec 3 (Now 4) times for your behavior (I know you put this above) 2. The higher ups were pressuring him to demote you because of this and he gave you another chance Because you were not removed because of your alleged hate speech of peggu in spanish but your general behavior in gensec, its a -Support for me. Gensec has the right to demote and blacklist you for your past behavior. Now a quick thing I'd like to say about the evidence issue, I did ask you to provide evidence if you had any and you said "I can look at the past chat" so I just made the assumption they said this in regular chat not vc. Now unless sinnik himself provides any evidence or you come up with something its all alleged, but your demotion was in the right ultimately in my eyes. @Sinnik can we get your statement? - Kind regards, Dr. Shaw
  5. wait r u actually resigning?
  6. 50th reply just made my 50th post why not make this the 50th reply My state just got its 3rd corona case and schools are shutting down
  7. yw th3 (also ill stop with the joke posts now general needs to be more active)
  8. What you want to see? - Charlie-5's EDD made static Why should we add it? - Significantly raises fps around C-5 and keeps it around for rp value. We can hear better. What are the advantages of having this? - ^ Who is it mainly for? - E11, CI. Links to any content - N/A
  9. he is et wut + support just a warn tho, maybe a talking too.
  10. + Support I was there and witnessed it and it was very clear that was wrong and discriminatory. As rektify said, if they were using branch comms it wouldn't be okay but because they were class-d doing it, it was fine. And if they were mic spamming peggu should just call staff instead of taking it into her own hands. Reasons stated above What I think should happen: Warn for RDMx(how many times she killed the class-d for speaking spanish) and *just a* warn for racism Update: After learning some new information I do believe peggu should recieve a 1-week ban
  11. i will be the mingiest boi on april first you dont even know i will minge so hard that the server will explode an- I need more posts on my account now please react i need more rep too minge minge minge mine mineg minge mioneg ok i'm tired now (this is a joke pls no ban zeeptin)
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