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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jayden

  1. -Support - Application not submitted with everything it needs ( Correct Steam ID, No Poll) - You haven't been active on our forums with only 2 posts - You responded to your own application - Low playtime - #16 is incorrect I can notice that you seem to know a little about staff because of you mentioning Jail/minge. This is a good thing. Based on your answer to #16 I would recommend studying the Staff Handbook well before you submit your next staff application. I would also recommend getting more playtime on our server and getting better acquainted with the Gaminglight Community. Make sure that you are double checking your application before submission to make sure that it has everything that the staff application calls for. If you improve on the things above, you'll have a better chance at staff. Thanks for taking an interest in our staff team! Good Luck GhostRider!
  2. +Support Good idea for RP purposes and would establish a set in stone location AS LONG as it doesn't impact the server's performance.
  3. +/- Support - Friendly - Active - 14 warns - Has had issues with current staff members in sits
  4. Jayden

    The New Year

    It is indeeeeeeed.
  5. -Support In my opinion even before Delta Squad we had too many departments.
  6. +Support I'm surprised this was even removed. This job is absolutely perfect for this map.
  7. +Support I think everyone hates when randos hop in your car and you have to force them out.
  8. Enough said, - Support from me
  9. I agree, it can be tricky sometimes when things IRL come up so you have to plan / move carefully to avoid LTAP.
  10. I'm glad that you're okay Game Theorist
  11. +Support There are a few reasons why I believe you deserve a shot on the staff team. - Very active - No warns - Good Application You are very supportive towards the community. This is a good thing to see. Good luck EmptiedSkies! I hope to see you soon as a Trial Moderator.
  12. Jayden


    Pitbull / Staffordshire Bull Terrier / Bulldog
  13. In-Game Name: Jayden Steam Name: [GL] Jayden SteamID: STEAM_0:1:126729513 Are you a Senior Moderator+? Yes How many post do you have on the website (150+ REQUIRED)? 223 How often are you online on the forums? I am on the forums every single day What timezone are you in? Eastern Standard Time (EST) Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team (100 Words Minimum)? I want to join the Forum Diplomat team mainly because I want to help out with the core website of our community. The forums is a place that contains important information regarding our community along with lots of great interactions between the members of Gaminglight. This is something that I want to protect because of that and also because of all the fun that Gaminglight has brought to me in the past few months that I've been here. The forums has guided me countless times and I want it to continue to guide all of the new members that arrive in our community as well. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, how? I would consider myself to have good judgement. My judgement has grown a ton from when I first joined staff on PoliceRP to now being an Admin. I've never been biased in game and I've never had a staff report or a player report made against me. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers? After seeing the spam I would quickly hide all of his messages before it reached any other users. After hiding his messages I would PM him and let him know that him spamming the shoutbox is against the Forum Rules. The next thing that I would do is direct the user to the Forum Rules just in case he wasn't aware of them. I would continue on to help him get to the Ban Appeal section of whatever server he was banned from. Lastly I would tell him to PM me if he needs any further assistance.
  14. I'm online at the moment and there's still no damage being done : (
  15. +/- Support By all means you are an exceptional staff member and I know this because I've asked you for help myself here and there. But I have seen the things that I have quoted up above. While in my eyes I can't see you as a Senior Admin just yet, you have tons of knowledge when it comes to staff and that is why I will +/- Support Good luck Will !
  16. +Support There are a few reasons why I believe you deserve a promotion to Admin - Active on the server - Active on Staff -Always fills ratio when needed - Has good staff knowledge and has been a Senior Moderator for quite some time I hope to see you as an Admin soon Corn. Good luck !
  17. +Support There are a few reasons why I believe you should be promoted to Admin - Active on the server - You know what you're doing on duty, and have good knowledge when it comes to staff - Has had plenty of experience as a Senior Moderator I see you on State a lot but I know that when it comes down to it, you'll hop on the Administration job and that's because you know Staffing comes before RP. Good luck pal! I hope to see you as an Admin soon.
  18. +Support Would be best if SMT decided on the specifics
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