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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jayden

  1. +Support - Active - Great staff member - Knowledgeable on the Staff Handbook and the MOTD - Great application The reasons above are why I believe you should be promoted to Senior Admin. Rick you truly are dedicated when it comes to staffing. Although Senior Admin is a big step, I really do think you are ready. I hope to see you as a Senior Admin soon. Good luck Rick Sanchez!
  2. +Support - Active - Previous Gamemaster - Great staff member - Good application Ender would make a great Event Team Member. Good luck Ender!
  3. +/- Support The only way that I can support bringing the old warn system back is if it is very very strictly enforced and limited. It can't be as easy as before to get warns removed, otherwise abuse will once again take place.
  4. +Support It makes sense and would help out the application process.
  5. +Support Neat Idea and would add RP. One thing I would also suggest, If this is added and is placed under Citizen in the job menu, we should have a cap on how many people can be on the job. I would say 3 Bank Security Officers at the most.
  6. -Support Warn bans cannot be appealed.
  7. Welp I know what I'm doing going down the road now.
  8. The best thing to do is record and then make player reports, so that the minges don't get away with what they are doing.
  9. -Support - This is more of a warn appeal - Pointless staff report - Telling staff to f*ck off is most definitely staff disrespect
  10. True lol, I've thought about not having school for the year once or twice now. Can you flipping imagine. That would be insane man.
  11. oh shoot, I know that it's contained in there but still be careful Lots and lots of isolation and closures.
  12. I love the server, only thing I would change is lag but that is out of everyone's control. Even with it tho I still have fun.
  13. Jesus I remember we used to talk before you left. It's been a while man, glad to see you back!
  14. Yeah I feel most majority of schools are closed now with a few exceptions The restaurants and bars in the state are shut down atm, I feel bad for the people losing their jobs My state as well :((
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