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Everything posted by Jayden

  1. Moved to correct section.
  2. That is too funny lmao Yeah people blow it way out of proportion honestly, the problem is how contagious it is. Update: Originally there were school closures for 2 weeks. Now the governor of my state just pushed to 3 weeks.
  3. +Support - Active - Mature - Great staff member - Good application Jimmy would make a great Event Team member. Good luck !
  4. Thanks for all of the hard work you put in to make SRT better. You'll be missed/remembered. Now go mess up that IRL thing
  5. Gonna be weird not to see a Trooper Major Jack around. You were a great command member. I'm sure you'll be remembered. Hope to still see you around.
  6. I see, that's what most people are getting for now
  7. I'm sure it is the same for me. Do you know how long?
  8. -Support When it comes to issuing punishment, it is staff discretion. In your typed warn appeal, all you have to say is that Crease did not want you warned, but now you seem to be bringing up information that has to do with why you actually got reported in game. If this is what you are now choosing to do, you should edit your appeal so it actually addresses why the warn itself is false. That is why those who have -Supported have done so, and that is why my opinion itself will also remain like so.
  9. Hope you're able to find some :(( my school is closed until March 30 I just learned
  10. I love so many movies that I really can't choose honestly
  11. Ohhhh I hadn't known you went to the doctor, but still that is good
  12. No cases but still closure, thats kinda surprising to me. My school's still runnin as of right now Wow, as long as everyone stays safe I guess it's a good break to have I see I see. Yeah it isn't gonna be the same if you already have a certain condition. Glad to hear you're taking the safe route man :))
  13. Well he said one of the best, but I 100% agree with you Will. Transformers is def one of my favorites, although I didn’t like it as much when Shia Labeouf left
  14. Damn ;( Ohhhh I see, you’re right I agree with that 1 MONTH, holy crap
  15. :(( you hate to see it
  16. Well when I say fine I mean survive. All I know is that even when I come down with something as little as a fever, I feel like I'm gonna be seeing Jesus that night xD Why toilet paper? I would assume like hand sanitizer, wipes, and tissues That's all of the NBA now, NHL has hopped on the same boat as well, and I'm hearing that MLB spring training is being pushed back. That's actually crazy. You know what the crazy thing is about online. That's gonna be a tough one for my area because to be frank, not everyone has the access to Wi-Fi at home. Online might not be achievable for where I live. Schools around me have yet to close yet, which is surprising considering my state has a confirmed 108 cases last I checked. I see I see. Glad you're home safe. I would say to take all the time you need when it comes to LOA's.
  17. well damn, I think mine was a little stranger tho the physics...
  18. +Support - Active - Only 1 formal warning - Mature - Great application The reasons above are why I believe you should be accepted into the staff team. You have great intentions, and you only having 1 formal warning comes to show that you are knowledgeable on our MOTD. You wanting to help new players, and help players stay on our server is a great desire to have. I hope to see you as a Trial Moderator soon. Good luck Bird!
  19. +Support - Active - Friendly - Always willing to fill ratio - Knowledgeable on the Staff Handbook I always see you hopping on duty when there is no staff on, or someone asks to be replaced. It comes to show your care for the staff team and your dedication. You've been a Senior Moderator for a good while so I believe you are ready for the next step. I hope to see you as an Admin soon. Good luck Zerg!
  20. Yeah you'll be fine, we just gotta wash our hands for a decent amount of time, and make sure not to put our hands near our faces. Worst comes to worst our bodies will fight it off.
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