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Mind Stone

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Everything posted by Mind Stone

  1. -Support While this sounds like a cool addition, think of how much it could potentially be abused.
  2. + Support to flamethrowers Burning cinders in the air Class D flee for their little lives All shall burn before us (was it a good haiku?) - Security models The ones we have our fine in my opinion.
  3. + Support With the recent addition of mining, security need an edge. This branch update will allow security to receive the boost they need and bring balance. These long awaited weapons will in the end help increase our activity. Riot control definitely needs a buff the most, as they are the only security who can go past the blue line (for now).
  4. + Support That would be badass. This would stop failrp situations and overall benefit the job. There are no downsides to this addition that I can think of.
  5. For your information I was at DHFTO #4. Get your facts straight kid. Besides that, sucks that you gonna leave us again. If you choose to ever come back, contact me as I would like to minge around with ya.
  6. +/- Support Pretty sure this is why some doors in the LCZ are a pain to open. However, Class D sniping us from D Block is worse.
  7. Accepted After reviewing your app, HCMD have decided to accept your application. Congratulations! One of us will whitelist you when we get on. Also Rawr.
  8. + Support There's no reason for them to be there. All they do is minge and get in the way.
  9. - Support Sounds good on paper but bad in practice.
  10. Bruh can you do me a favor and like not retire for like 5 minutes? Smh dude. Anyways, you were also a super chill guy and have earned my upmost respect. If you ever decide to return and go back to security, let me know. I’ll miss the good times we had on Site-05. P.S.: Pingas and UwU
  11. + Support As an owner of a OPRF slot, people always scream "WTF ARE YOU" at me. I think this would be a bug report but still add the thing.
  12. - Support That isn't a OP spot in the slightest. We should be able to use our surroundings to our advantage. D Class shoot us as we try to get to D Block and this area gives us some cover and a vantage point. We don't go in there if there are medics inside.
  13. + Support I wanna escape the facility with my command children. This suggestion will assist with this dream. "To the helicopter pad my bois!"
  14. - Support You already have enough jobs on Class D. This is simply unneeded. The brute is good enough.
  15. +/- Support I can't say I'm a fan of this new addition. But I also believe you need to give it a shot. I agree that it was added mere hours ago and you already hate it. We will Adapt. Survive. Overcome. We always do eventually.
  16. + Support The interrogation room at Site-05 was level 4 so it makes perfect sense for this one to be as well. And as stated previously, Class D interrupting a interrogation is very annoying.
  17. Accepted After reviewing your app, HCMD have decided to accept your application. Congratulations! One of us will whitelist you when we get on. Also REEE.
  18. Accepted After reviewing your app, HCMD have decided to accept your application. Congratulations! One of us will whitelist you when we get on. Also REEE.
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