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[GL] Zeus

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Everything posted by [GL] Zeus

  1. You can’t guard an O5 medic/ Staff You guard the actual O5 not the staff/medic. The Jack you refer to is not an O5 but a medic for the actual O5( Rang, Igneous, Dogz or Catsro) and not an O5 himself. Application is wrong and is very rushed -Support
  2. Great guy overall, always ready to help Definitely deserves TMOD
  3. Gubby told Cat that he had to do /me applies now base and I confirmed this with an engineer. The staff argued otherwise. Thus the staff was unaware of the this rule. Asking for a higher staff member for confirmation of a particular rule is allowed and denying somebody this and warning them for the same reason is clear abuse of power. +Support
  4. 682’s SWEP has bad hit reg and is fairly easy to RC with 2 or 3 mtf running around. 682 shouldn’t be restricted free reign as it’s already underpowered This would nerf 682 into the ground -Support
  5. Any prop can be made a riot shield if you use it properly
  6. It’s the man, the myth, the legend Daedran. He brought back A1 from ruins. He deserves it +Support
  7. I don’t intend any branch diss but it’s more like yall have been complaining about it and that too just very recently. The demo expert has been the way it was for so long. I don’t think we should get rid of a class you have to pay to get into and make it useless because CI get killed by it. And this has just been made a suggestion recently and due to a specific incident. CI is pretty powerful too so it balances out and it’s just one of every explosive making them practically useless after the explosions, and their guns is pretty bad unless you know how to use it properly, even if you how to properly use it, it’s low tier mediocre at most. Also as I specified earlier. If y’all can suitable suggestions for replacement weapons, I’ll be okay with that This would basically kill every branch’s explosive specialist. Might as well make it a job removal suggestion then. So that’s why I minus supported it So unless there are viable replacements with a little less or about the same damage output, it’s gonna have to be a -Support from me
  8. This is just turning into a CI vs MTF battle rather than a suggestion -Support
  9. This just seems unnecessary, and is turning into a CI be MTF thing now. We shouldn’t be nerfing a class that you have to buy cause some other branch doesn’t have a class that can do that. It already has insanely low stats, and it’s balanced at present -Support
  10. @TwizKirigaya If you could please post the video link here. Edit: The AR never explicitly told the E11 what to do or what the test is about thus you can’t blame the E11 for standing there and trying to prevent a breach. I can’t really find any player diss here, the only one I saw was when the E11 told you to move somewhere else and talk with LCPL Mick, then they told you to “oh he is talking again”. Then after you not listening Reno said to Ranger“Do you even have 100 brain cells”. Then you called my E11 dumbass which I do not appreciate at all. This seems like a problem caused to some miscommunication, both parties were in the wrong here one maybe more so than the other However We have talked with the E11 involved
  11. Why you gotta steal my man Gio’s test man
  12. Suicide bombing is if you commit suicide/kill your self while bombing. This is really not possible to monitor firstly. The number of sits regarding this would be huge and staff would have a hard time Secondly Its very easy to lose health while using explosives so you can’t really blame the players too, because of the pretty huge blast radius. Its called suicide bombing for a reason cause you commit suicide. Overall it seems petty and would destroy the RP of explosive specialists in all branches and the MTF job pack -Support
  13. He in RP doesn’t know their names so that info would become invalid
  14. Bruh imagine asking an engineer for the name of the AHOT, HOT, DDOU and DOU and the DOUSR
  15. Idk if 2LT knows names of senior Command or HCMD. I could be mistaken though As far as I know, he in RP should only know the names of people 2 ranks above him so until CPT
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