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Head Admin
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Everything posted by Will

  1. Moved to correct section.
  2. -Support Copied from another app.
  3. -Support Just because it was your brother doesn't excuse you from this.. Also, your ban is almost 4 months old. Why didn't you attempt to appeal it then despite the in-game ban screen saying you can appeal it on our forums? https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561199069416175
  4. +/-Support I personally haven't seen you much outside of PD meetings, which may just be because of the hours I play at. If possible, I'd like to see you work on your in-game activity a bit more in the coming weeks, and try to be more outstanding and get noticed by people (in a good way!) Good luck!
  5. -Support Savage, I know you are passionate and enjoy playing on the server, which I do admire that you are interested in joining the staff team; however I recommend working on your maturity and professionalism. I know you have good intentions and want to help out, but I would like to see you improve on these things and things that others have brought up as well before I would feel you are ready. Good luck!
  6. +Support Austin has proven himself in the time's I've seen him on staff to be a cool headed and respectful staff member, and has proven to be effective in handling staff sits. I feel that he is ready for the rank of Admin because of the traits I've listed on top of the points that others have brought up. Good luck!
  7. -Support While I do have to side with the crowd on the fact that your activity has been a bit spotty in the past few weeks. Aside from other things, I feel you should try to work on fixing points other's have brought up in the coming days/ weeks to try and increase your chances of getting promoted. Good luck!
  8. -Support Up until reading your application, I honestly have not noticed you (which should you should be known by at least a few members of the community if you plan on applying for staff.) I suggest you review the Staff Application Format post thoroughly, consider working on points other users have brought up, and try revising your app (I recommend reviewing previously accepted applications if you need examples of any thing). Best of luck!
  9. -Support You've attempted to appeal this ban twice before with both ban appeals being about 8 months between when you were banned and when you attempted to appeal this. If Snar did not remember it back then, why in the world would he remember the reason now? To quote ArmyGuy from October of 2018: See former appeals here: https://gaminglight.com/forums/profile/28627-autistic-pancake/content/
  10. -Support I suggest you try and overlook your app and make sure you have filled it out correctly before sending it out if possible. I also suggest you work on your activity both in game and on the forums before you consider applying, along with trying to revise your reasoning as to why you deserve the rank and review the final question. Good luck!
  11. +Support Zerg is a well-known member of the staff member of the staff team, being known best for the roles he plays in the PoliceRP Event Team, and has been a great role model for newer staff members. Only thing I noticed that was off on your app was the answer to the alt account question, which you would have to got to SMT+ for any suspected alt accounts. JMT might look into it further, but SMT would be the ones who would need to deal with it. Good luck!
  12. +Support As the addon's description reads: If that's the case, then I think it would be a great idea as it would give building more customizability for bases or structures in general. Only part I'm kind of skeptical of is the file size, looks good otherwise.
  13. -Support Logs are gone since it was about 20+ hours ago, but I recall what happened.. Another administrator had called me over (I believe it was Aaron or one of the other moderators on at the time) asking me to ban you for the reasons listed and because you had LTAPed the first time to get out of jail. When you reconnected to the server, I re-jailed you on top of spawn to which you continuously spawned weapons from your inventory in an attempt to shoot myself and other players on the roof on top of cursing and throwing insults at us. Seeing as you obviously did not want to roleplay or cooperate with staff, I decided a ban was necessary in this situation. Perhaps if you waited out the jail time and didn't give us a hard time, you wouldn't be in this situation; wouldn't you agree?
  14. Jacky do be mass pinging tho Seriously though, sucks to see you go man; can't wait to see you when you get back!
  15. +Support Frog is a well known admin among both players and members of the staff team, has always been professional and mature while dealing with sits, and is all around a great guy to be around. I feel he is ready to be moved up to Senior Admin for these reasons and others unstated, to which point I wish him the best of luck!
  16. Accepted Come talk with me to receive you promotion!
  17. Denied You may reapply in 2 weeks
  18. Denied You may reapply in 2 weeks
  19. Accepted Come talk with me to receive your promotion!
  20. +Support - Active - Mature - Well known staff member - Well-made app Good luck Magic!
  21. -Support Like others, I stand with Duncan on the fact that while it is a neat and interesting looking addon, it would also mean spending cash on a suggestion that may not even be used. I would support it if the cost was a bit lower and there was more support behind adding it, so maybe something for the future if it becomes a topic of interest?
  22. -Support Don't get me wrong, I want a crown vic to be added (or rather re-added), but most if not all of the crown vics that we've had prior to this have either been removed because of lag/ performance reasons, or because of an issue related to the workshop/ size of the addon. I can't recall which one's we have used by now, though options should be looked into as this has been a popular vehicle to use in the past.
  23. What is your in-game name?: Will What is your steam name?: [GL] Will What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:129363914 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Other than on PoliceRP, no. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) July 7, 2019 What date did you make your forums account? July 7, 2019 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Senior Admin How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 2, see bans page: https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198218993556 [Screenshot] Have you donated? Yes, $510 at time of posting What rank are you applying for? Super Admin Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Yes Timezone: EST Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): M: Matthew, Hotshot HS: Eternity HA: Jimmy James SA: Jayden, Mikey, Max Holland Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): I've been a part of the GL staff team for over a year now and held the rank of senior admin for a very large portion of that time. I've faced many different issues and problems throughout my time as a senior admin, having staff reports brought against me, dealing with just about every kind of staff sit under the sun, and doing my best to connect with everyday users and players in TS and in-game. I want to help the community and server more than I already do by expanding my list of responsibilities into dealing with issues other staff may not be able to deal with. Some of the more common issues JMT is tasked with from my perspective would be adding a car to a dealer, resetting a spawn point, to more extensive tasks like dealing with reports of staff misconduct or assisting SMT with their duties. Most of the interactions I try to have with the community are positive, coming primarily from playing in-game and talking with others in Discord. These activities have made me a more well-known person and staff member throughout the player base and a role model for newer staff members to look up to. That being said, I want to help PoliceRP and Gaminglight as a whole be the best they can be, holding them to the same high standards they've been held to by both the players and staff before me. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would first bring or jail them on a roof and attempt to talk with the guy. In the situation they try running away, curse me out, or try RDMing me, I will warn them and jail/ ban the player for about a week or more (whichever fits best with the situation and based off other things they might have done.) These questions are only for people applying for Admin/Senior Admin/Super Admin: -What would you do if you think a player is an alt account? Try and watch the person (through spectating or watching from afar), look up info about the account, and try to see if I can determine who it is on the other side of the screen (most times, I will have someone else look at what I found to make sure I made no mistakes) before passing it off to an available SMT member for them to be banned. -What would you do if a player is threating to chargeback? I would bring them to a roof and try and explain to them that it is a blacklistable offence, hoping that they were joking around or at least inform them that it is not permitted. If they continue with the threats or talk of chargeback, I would call over a SMT/ JMT person that was already in game to ban them (or ban them for my max and put something up on the forums if none are available or in-game.) -A family is mass minging and causing issues, how would you stop the family from minging? I would bring them all to a rooftop, gag them, and freeze them if needed. I’d then try to talk to them about what they were doing and try to get their side before pursuing any warns/ bans. After talking with them and conveying my points to them, I ask them if they have questions, and return the ones that don’t need to be banned/ warned (if such actions are required). -How would you deal with a situation you don't know what to/don't know the answer to? (Don't answer with "I know everything!") I would ask someone else on staff (usually someone of equal or higher rank) and get their opinion on whatever I needed help with. If no other staff is on the server at the time, I will go off of whatever I feel is right or put something in Discord/ or ask someone in TS if needed.
  24. +Support I feel like you're ready for Senior Admin seeing as you are a well known and experienced member of the staff team chip. Best of luck!
  25. -Support Despite being well known and a great guy to hang around Alex, I don't feel you are ready to move up into Senior admin just yet. You are a great staff member, don't get me wrong, but over the two times you've been staff on PoliceRP, this is the first time you have been an admin, and for only about a week no less.. I know you have permission from management to apply, though I really think you need some more time to adjust to your current rank seeing as Senior Mod to Admin is a very major step up in the staff team, and one that should take time to get used to. Maybe in a couple weeks, you'll be ready; but I really think you need more time as an Admin for right now. Best of luck!
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