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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. DENIED. However, speak to your CMD team, as I believe they were interested in placing you into an officer slot.
  2. Why do you want to join an inactive branch then?
  3. +Support Although I'd like to see A-1 get a shotgun as well.
  4. +Support The entire reason I joined A1 in the first place
  5. Forum Diplomat Message Please keep the commentary to a minimum and keep it respectful. I do not want to see people arguing, it will cause hatred and disrespect towards members and we do not want to see that. Leave a +Support, -Support, or a Neutral response. If you have a problem with someones response, take it to private messages and sort it out there. If this post gets out of hand and people start arguing etc, this post may be locked to prevent any hatred or disrespect. Kind Regards From the Forum Diplomat Team. (100% not stolen from munchies)
  6. +Support +MTF CMD +Nice guy from what I've seen Good luck!
  7. +/- +Great community feedback +Active in-game -3 Strikes -VERY mingey in-game from what I've seen Good luck!
  8. +Support +LOADS of effort in this application +Active +Research CMD Good luck!
  9. +Support +Great community feedback +Active +/- Recently banned less than a month ago Good luck!
  10. -Support -0 effort in application -Haven't seen you in-game You gotta show that you want the spot man ;-; I believe you can get it but you can't with this effort
  11. +/- +Active in-game -Can be a little big mingey Good luck!
  12. +Support +Application is simple and straight to the point +Pretty active +Nice guy Good luck!
  13. +Support +Active +CMD member +Sounds like a nice guy Good luck!
  14. +Support +Previous A1 CMD so [REDACTED] things won't be an issue for him +Current Medical HCMD so he will be really good with RP, probably knows medical knowledge that could save an O5 if he messed up on a roll. Good luck!
  15. +Support +I have nothing but respect for this mans grind back into high command +mature +Pretty active Good luck!
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