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Everything posted by BadAim

  1. Your in game name: no shot gud Your Steam ID: what is stemid??/ The player's in game name: ignaos The player's steam ID (required): no What did the player do: hit m with degal WIOUT RESON!1!!!111 Evidence (required): how do i shoow my unregstirared hiprcam 2 What do you believe should happen to the player: ban!1!!!!!!!!111111111111!! Any extra information: information
  2. +Support +good community feedback +good Q16 +respected member good luck!
  3. -To add to this whenever tickets pile up you tell other staff to take them instead of flagging up yourself.
  4. WHY DID YOU SHOCK HIM BRO HE WAS TRYNA SLEEP I'd react the same way
  5. BadAim

    BadAim's LOA

    In-Game Name: BadAim  SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81238702 Rank: support 1  Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 3 weeks Reason for LOA (If private that is fine) : Poor grades, will try to stay in touch over discord
  6. Doesn't security use this sniper on their sniper job as well?
  7. +Support Great job on getting a donator class as well!
  8. What do you want to see? - A Class-D sub section added to the forums, similar to the criminal sub section over on PRP's section. Why should we add it? - As of recent there has been a lot more organization with Class-D, with groups forming up. This is relatively similar to how Families on PRP work. This addition would allow these groups to organize themselves efficiently and recruit with ease. What are the advantages of having this? - It would help Class-D groups organize and recruit easily and it would also make Class-D mains feel more welcomed onto the forums as they would have their own section. Who is it mainly for? - Class-D! Links to any content - N/A
  9. +Support +Would help with dealing with mingey CCs
  10. +Support +Active +Good fit for the position +Good person Good luck!
  11. That’s not how that works
  12. Accepted! Speak to maverick or myself in TS/Discord.
  13. Accepted! Speak to maverick or myself in TS/Discord.
  14. +Support RCF looks bad RN SM needs a new weapon, the M16 ain't it
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