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Everything posted by Sion

  1. +support Recently I was in a incident regarding my comments on someone's actions. Andrew was asked to say his side and he did so with amazing confidence and was able to reason sensibly and with maturity. Andrew is a long time member of GL and is fluent in the rules. He is also CERT Co-CMDR and this shows his dedication and commitment to the task in hand. Most of his warns are fairly old and shows he has rerouted himself within the community and has remained as a respected and mature member.
  2. Decent raid however everyone should stay together and breach together, you might be faced with 3 negevs. 3 negevs vs 2 novas won't end well...
  3. +support Last time I check discord servers are fine. Ponik is active and mature, he has developed a great understanding of the rules and is well suited to take on staff. (Not a big deal if his poll is public, it will not affect his staffing ability)
  4. Sion


  5. Sion

    Will's 48 hour notice

    time to regain my callsign
  6. Seems like a casual day...
  7. Jeez, calm down. We aren't all perfect, including yourself
  8. +support Active Mature when needed Lenient - understands both side of a story Friendly Deserves another shot
  9. +support Long time serving Senior admin (longest one Ive seen) Mature Always ready to help Friendly Suited for the role
  10. you write in the offence yourself, don't see what you're gaining here...
  11. +/- support Unclear what happened - Will's SS of MOTD says he needs to negotiate but Phil says he has
  12. X ambassadors and Noah Kahan
  13. Yes all children are at home probaly treating the time off as a holiday, when in reality, our grades ar being guessed, our future is in the hands of our teachers. We've stop reviving 1 to 1 teaching and it has been replaced by technology, could this end the sitting in rows and acting like robots, who knows? Our careers are at stake, they employer won't care if you didn't get to sit the exam, they only care about the letter next to it. Sounds pretty bad personally
  14. -support Nothing personal Hau but you don't have the best attitude towards other, all I hear from your mouth is cuss after cuss. This obviously isn't the attitude you need when dealing with minges that will push your patient to the limit. You also are fairly new to the community, around 2 weeks isn't much.. Good luck
  15. What you want to see? - A new rule to be implemented that will not allow Gov or crim to return to the base while the raid is ongoing. Why should we add it? - Lately we have been dealing with silos and gov get backstabbed by crims and it causes even more gunfights and deaths. Crims also find it annoying that gov repeatedly returns to raids once NLR is over and panic button is pressed. What are the advantages of having this? - Reduce masd gunfights and will allow crims to be assured they wont be raided 10 times for a silo Who is it mainly for? - All Links to any content - N/A
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