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Everything posted by Sion

  1. But breaking your SOP is classed as corrupt and that is warnable
  2. -support Staff on another community
  3. -support Using someone else's community to advertise another community is just wrong Warns over 1 year aren't appealable
  4. Actually @Kade government do require a warrant to enter any premises, otherwise it trespassing. Regardless of their defences
  5. +support - how do you accidentally switch to tool gun mid raid? - you say it was a accident but you and Ghostly were discussing if it was breaking rules..
  6. Sion

    5 am Madness

    Matthew, something very subtle is telling me you forgot a comma...
  7. -support Nothing to do with staff
  8. +/- support 'Money Silo - 15 Mintues after completion/failure (Per base)' It doesn't say 1 silo per base. Just a cooldown of 15 mins between silos
  9. -support Call staff, they aren't ment to be mingy And DOC officials shouldn't kill inmates when inside the prison when they only have a knife, you have shields and tasers.
  10. So you did deal with a situation you were involved in?
  11. @Calamity Citizens who are living on a base are usually hired by contractors to work there e.e. engineers/trainers/cleaners. They are authorized to be on the base. However, if a citizen that doesn't work there wants to enter. They are placed through a thorough search and usually must contact beforehand
  12. I think if we wanted to enfore NLR more, we would need to add a addon that tells the player when they've entered the NLR zone. Also, if you spawn where you died e.e MSGT dies in PD. Wouldn't he be breaking NLR then or would be just have to ignore the mass shooting once his time is up?
  13. @Burboon boi Warn wa issued on 24th. You're thinking of another situation
  14. Someone doesn't see the fun side of things
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