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Everything posted by Sion

  1. I understand we are in lockdown but my god, your boredom reaches another level
  2. +Support Ender is a very respected and mature member of GL and the staff team. He has progressed throughout every department he is in and reached command in most, this goes to show he is dedicated and a man of his words. He is always ready to help members in need IG and is always friendly (as his name suggests) Good luck Ender
  3. +support I wae there and I was always getting shot at and in the firing line. Was very mingy and clearly NITRP. However I agree with Snar and you should refrain from calling him a 'little kid', after all, age is just a number and doesn't define us as humans.
  4. Navy seals with working abseiling skills
  5. -support Where is the logic You shoot a tazer towards chest, the gun is there, won't do much If you shoot your tazer and miss, and they have a negev, you haven't considered your life then have you? IRL if someone has a gun, would you try stopping them with 2 metel wires and electricity?
  6. Is this a dream? A banned member actually respecting the fact he can't come back.. what a gentleman
  7. -support It justfied, yes 'propminge' isn't really the proper term for this but it either keeping it or removing it and getting a new warn that is re-worded
  8. We need @NaoKotori side first before coming to a conclusion
  9. Must say, being on SWAT is pretty fun, especially when you have a stash of bitcoin miners hiden JK
  10. @Ender Special Weebs And Turtles is what SWAT stands for...
  11. SWAT is just the best, period, full stop.
  12. God damit Freeze, told you to stop totalling every car. Sorry FBI, insurance will be in touch soon...
  13. Matthew has hinted that there is something in the works
  14. It would seem like you did, doofus
  15. +support the current bus floats for some reason and it would be nice to have a more US based selections (British routemaster is simphys and won't work)
  16. No one gives a shit about SWAT then?
  17. Sion

    Alpha's LOA

  18. +/- support You are allowed to give EMS 3 mins to arrive before being able to respawn, you said you waiting 1 min so failrp is valid Fearrp though, it hard to prove someone innocent/guilty unless both sides have video recording to show their POV.
  19. Can I just ask, was he looking backwards while at gunpoint or does he magically have 360° vison?
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