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Everything posted by LuckyDudeFive

  1. + Support All the evidence is their with multiple witnesses action must be taken against this player
  2. Update does both buffs and nerfs and nothing is to op
  3. Ya with like couple other people 6 months ago
  4. I first played on the server in like April but at the time me and a couple other dudes were actually trying to do our own Gmod think and it went to poop so in May I got trained for gensec and went from their and now I'm having a ton of fun playing on the server due to the really good managment of it
  5. It would be pretty cool to see more unique MTF squads, personally I would want the GOC like my favorite branch in lore
  6. If you could add any branch into the server that would fit along with RP and have no negative effects on any other branches what would you choose and why?
  7. + Support Gensec does need help with riot control All around pretty epic
  8. + Support -See him on alot -Mature -Has pretty good knowledge of MOTD -All around great guy
  9. This is very nice idea blackbeard very cool!
  10. If you want a change you should probably follow the format
  11. + Support -Would help medical have an easier time dealing with minges -Would make staff more efficient in certain places allowing them to take more sits
  12. + Support -Actually makes sense as you would be scared of death - Would make the Fear RP rules alot more clear -Will allow for better RP scenarios
  13. Super Support I've known this man since i was a rct in Nu7
  14. + Support| Look really dope
  15. Also For D class CC's they should get their own cells to spawn in to have text screens saying that because they're on their CC they have to wait a NLR
  16. What you want to see? - A rule for 682 in which he must advert that he is at half health as now in order to tranq him he must be under 2500 HP Why should we add it? - Will help balance him out as now you will need a whole squad to Recontain him and will make sure he isn't too overpowered What are the advantages of having this? - Makes it so someone doesn't have to get close to 682 to check what health he is at as he will most likely kill you when you get close to him Who is it mainly for? - Armed foundation personnel/ CI Links to any content - None
  17. Would help gensec alot with D class breaking in Close to Medic and Research spawn so they can get small firearms easier
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