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Everything posted by LuckyDudeFive

  1. Also I don't think the D class CC jobs should spawn on the surface but a maximum of 50 health and a nerf to some of their weapons (SLEDGHAMMER THAT 3 SHOTS A JUGGERNAUT) but they should still spawn in D block but make it so D class need valid reasons to riot
  2. + SUPPORT Would make it alot easier for me to just get my armor back then get a reset and re-buy my ammo Might be hard to implement tho
  3. + support Will makes CC much more fun to play and a bit better in combat against CI and MTF classes with 300+ combined health and armor SHOULD NOT APPLY TO D CLASS HELL WOULD BREAK LOOSE
  4. wouldn't be to hard for staff just fly to them say hi and if they dont respond for like a minute or 2 redact them
  5. + Support Always helps me when i need help I always see him on staff and he has been stepping up his activity Stays mature and calm very nice and knows the MOTD very well
  6. I've looked over this and agree with most of your points especially how strict gensec is being due to all the D class riots and Nu7 needing to be more active and I thank you for actually having constructive criticism instead of being toxic like a lot of other people would be
  7. When the Medics overdoes on the 420-j
  8. Name: Lucky Discord’s ID/Name: Lucky #7287 Rank: Junior Janitor Ideas for Janitors to grow: CC cleaner needs a broom, also it would be cool to talk with other branches so in certain situations like mass D class riots or CI raids a certain rank of janitor is called in to come clean up the mess because RN we sort of just walk around cleaning without really having any branch request for us to clean for them
  9. + SUPPORT Technicians aren't in a very good rp spot rn and this update would really help them out a lot so they can have more fun on the server
  10. Ternith was doing a Cassie event in which he had an AI place turrets to stop D class and SCP's so I dont know how it was abuse since it was part of an event
  11. Really like the new models for Officer and Commander and i'm glad that officer is getting the much needed buff and I think that the salute and hand behind back sweps are a really nice touch along with the buff to the heavy so more people will play it but I wish the sniper was getting a better secondary
  12. Im pretty sure delta command can still buy bandages from the F4 menu it's weird
  13. + Support!!!! Is very mature and responsible Always tries and help as staff and has a very good temper is calm in situations and always resolves it as best as he can Works on staff ALOT! List goes on but in general he is very responsible and deserves the title
  14. + Support Looks very nice and actually what a medic would look like in rp
  15. + Support For site wide cameras, This would greatly hyelp MTF as being able to look into LCZ and HCZ from EZ would greatly help us and it could also be put into diffrent SCP's CC's so they dont have to be opened to see if they are in containment - Support For CI Blackout and Assault rifles for D class. Assault rifles would turn LCZ into a hell hole and CI doesnt need a specialty class justd for turning off power unless it would also have other features
  16. your my hommie aleks and now that your high command in janitorial you make sure those janitors [REDACT] those leftover anomolies
  17. + Support Keypad crackers and other miccilanous items such as himostats and such would be a great feature
  18. Ya but no one ever plays 131 because their is litterly nothing to do on it other than run around the facility
  19. + Support Would line up more with lore and will make more people play 457
  20. + Support I get confused myself and when trainees get killed it can cause them to just leave the server
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