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Everything posted by Jakub

  1. +/- You put lots of effort into your application but Never have i ever seen you on the server, your last forum contribution was a month ago doesn't really show your "good activity" as others are saying
  2. +support never knew the seep can actually do that
  3. -support this is yet another post requesting d class be nerfed to shit. The guns take 9hp per shot... If you can't beat it with an automatic gun then you should seriously reconsider your career in the foundation.
  4. WOOO! yet another quality shitpost waste of time from gunther!
  5. Jakub

    models - Closed

    This model is missing from content pack and i cant find it anywhere. This custom class model needs to be added to the pack: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1899047879 also the gaminglight logo prop is not in the scp pack and is an error
  6. Jakub


    never though we'll be here so sad to see you leave mtf will miss you !
  7. which minge did this? It is very exhausting to hold on to the toilet seat and be upside down and watch ghopit and gio
  8. @Private Marksmenhttps://gaminglight.com/forums/forum/526-suggestions/
  9. all i see is add: xxxx_male_x xxxx_male_x xxxx_male_x xxxx_male_x Where is the female, give me another gender.
  10. +support, stupid reason for the warn he wasn't rping or affecting rp.
  11. - SUPPORT leaving to avoid roleplay is bassicaly like failrp, if you dont wanna rp then don't play on the job in the first place
  12. +support but wrong section of the forums https://gaminglight.com/forums/forum/424-websiteinfrastructure-suggestions/
  13. +support, cool guy who knows his shit. the minging is an exaggeration i ain't seen kiddo minge in ages ya'll just going of outdated stuff, people change and kiddo takes his role seriously.
  14. Jakub

    False Warn Appeal

    Also staff should not be operating in this sort of manner and teleporting a player around and not letting him give a statement to the person who is accusing him. Seems very unfair to the player that was warned.
  15. Jakub

    Cat Staff Report

    +support, based on the report Cat seems to be biased against the player or just generaly unfair to him, if this is how he deals with all players he shouldn't be staff. Also based on the comments in here i want to add that I told cat never to uncloak and interfere with role play litteraly minutes after his staff training. If he carried on this behavior then it just further proves that he is incapable of listening and shouldn't be staff.
  16. What you want to see? - The ci infiltrator to be excused from raid timer, what i mean by this is i want the ci infil to be excused from when the raid cooldown begins. Scenario in which this would happen: all of ci dies but an infiltrator and the timer restarts. this would be beneficial because infiltrators dont have much hp and cant cause a lot of damage, also they cloak so they could remain alive for hours on end. They will have to wait raid timer when they die but wont affect it for other ci essentaily. Why should we add it? - improves rp and raiding rules. What are the advantages of having this? - improves rp and raiding rules. Who is it mainly for? - ci Links to any content -
  17. NOOO TAKE IT BACK, gonna miss you bro
  18. 999 only heal people psychologicaly to my knowledge but cool idea, i had the same train of though for a while that scp 999 heal people buy sadly it don't.
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