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Everything posted by Jakub

  1. +/-support would be nice to see something new for janitors but I don't think perms props are the appropriate solution. There needs to be more interactive work on the server for janitors. Mtf and other branches should start calling janitors to combat scenes etc to clean up after fights more often and technical should call janitors to clean up after their work.
  2. Just a side note, I always make sure d class are uncuffed and free to leave by death or any other way.
  3. There really isn't a need for changing how 939 works - support
  4. i was watching buncha gmod videos and felt like trying it out
  5. +support, definet mingery and NITRP
  6. just to clarify what i said, i feel that dr bright should remain accesible to any gold+ member and those who wish to play on it must get trained if theres a fto on but if there's not fto on they should still have the right to play untrained until an fto flags up, also i think that his description should mention that he needs to abide by research sop and say what lvl researcher he is. also having dr bright as a jr researcher is not lore friendly and i feel as though it should either be specified in the donation description that his abilities and access is limited. i also agree with this ^
  7. +/- better solution below. The purpose of the dispensary when I made it was to have a place to keep d class's safe whilst in hcz instead of keeping them restrained and blindfolded with an mtf somewhere in hcz. But I do feel like this does kinda ruin gameplay for d class and make it boring so I feel like a solution to this will be giving d class XP just like for testing if they are taken and also not making the dispensary until there are 75+ people.
  8. I think a simple solution to this would be making every person who wants to play on bright have to be trained like a Jr but not actually count as a life.
  9. This will litteraly ruin 939 and allow it to be recontained within minutes off breaching
  10. Come on guys if we nerf all challenges then this might as well be a zoo simulator
  11. Rank & Name : Junior Researcher Azius Clearance Level:2 List of Personnel involved in testing: Rho 36 Occult Operative Danny and Junior Surgeon Sammy . Level D personnel involved: D-9928 D-9931 SCP: 999 Errors and/or safety hazards: Potential bodily harm towards Me and The surgeon. Question: how will D-9928 and D-9931 react to extremely pain and fear stimulating operational procedures when in contact with SCP-999 and how will it react to people in pain? Background Research: Hypothesis: Both subjects will willingly undertake these operations without fear but rather a calm and positive attitude. timeline off test: A safe environment was created for the procedure in the safe class testing chamber after receiving some inspiration for Dr. Bright. Junior surgeon Sammy's help was enlisted after which he was transported from medbay to the testing chamber. Two Class D personnel were transported under an escort to the safe testing chamber after which they were stripped off all items and left in the testing chamber. Meanwhile I was transporting (persuading with sweets) SCP-999 to the testing chamber. Junior surgeon Sammy prepared his operation bed and equipment after which D-9931 was forced into it. SCP-999 began physical contact with D-9931 immediately putting him under a euphoric effect. Junior surgeon carried out the surgery and the process was repeated with D-9928. Then both Class D's were placed under observation with no change being observed in their mood they were terminated. Analysis and Conclusion: Both Class D personnel were anxious and suspicious off what's going to happen to them when they saw the Surgeon with his tools but immediately after coming into contact with SCP-999 their mood was much more relaxed and they were more complaint. Meanwhile SCP-999 seemed excited as always and accompanied both Class D during preparations for the operations. Once the operations began without the use off any drugs the Class D's did not feel pain and in fact didn't even realize what's happening right away. During the operations SCP-999 was observed to feel uneasy about his surroundings and slightly contracted his body but did not leave the Class D's. After separation off the Class D's and SCP-999 The euphoric effect on the Class D's wasn't observed to be wearing off for over an hour so they were both terminated. In conclusion, SCP-999 made both patients feel comfortable with the procedures but didn't feel 'happy?' about it itself. Do your results align with your hypothesis?: Yes.
  12. Jakub


    I called staff numerous times and nobody responded, after I told them it's failrp and they continued to kill me I got frustrated and took the sit.
  13. What you want to see? - I would like to see the rules for 1048 and 1048-A in the motd to be changed to : 1048: Generally allowed to roam the facility. Can only kill when cutting of peoples ears. There's a 2 minute cooldown between cutting peoples ears. Has to roll a 30+ to cut off someones ears. 1048-A: You should follow SCP-1048. Can be brought to 1048 once 1048 cuts of 5 peoples ears. Can only scream if in danger or being scared. Why should we add it? - Makes the roleplay more fun for everyone What are the advantages of having this? - increases roleplay for anyone involved with this scp and updates the currently outdated rules. Who is it mainly for? - 1048/foundation personel
  14. I was spectating you the whole time based on reports of you "ear raping" whilst spectating you i gave a warning about this in ooc and then you proceeded to medbay and began to make extreemely loud and random noises through your microphone and then started killing the medic from behind which led me to bring you to a sit
  15. +support based of off what's going on in the server rn. But I'd like them to stay and maybe have a unstuck command
  16. PS Hit me up in game if you need money as medic
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