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Jeff Junior

Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Jeff Junior

  1. Depends on what time you get on xD if it is late not so many mingles early in the morning is when the mingiest ppl come out to play when it is only me and 1 other staff on xD
  2. Let’s not argue about this post bois okey
  3. To be honest -support. I like the update a lot for some reason mainly because now you need to drive good you can’t just hit things and drive shit
  4. +support would be great whit a little change
  5. -support - if you got a warn then it is gonna stay don’t just buy it out- -support from me
  6. +support no need for a ban but a good 2-3 hour minge would be good other then that evidence is clear
  7. he gotta shows his face soon xD he f!! up xD
  8. You almost copyd the hoal UC app
  9. -support - never seen you on -never seen in ts before -good app -good luck tho
  10. +/- support never seen you on or heard about you (could be time zones) not active in ts Never seen you train cadets -good app other then that good luck
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