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Everything posted by Berserkrpups

  1. If SMT chose to remove things then it won't be added back. but if it was a mistake it is possible you might get this but that is up to them.
  2. Although melee weapons are powerful let's not argue that. The hit detection is extremely buggy for others and that almost balances them out but for the most part, people using melee weapons have a chance to hit you. Unless they changed it the things I just said are void and then the melee weapons are like an alpha warhead for people that go against them.
  3. Demanding things might not be the best approach.
  4. I never said "nope" the reason I said no is because of the reason above and that it was a bit demanding.
  5. -Was a former member of SCP-RP Event Team
  6. -Support - Has Shown in the past that you can't handle the rank - You don't really tell why you want to be apart of Event Team - The event seems really unbalanced and way too blown out and has no lore connected with it as if it were a bigger CI raid. Summary - From the past, you have shown you can't really handle the rank, yes I know people can change but it is your fourth time applying and you are very persistent with it. Some good points are that you are active in-game and on the forums but from your application points I have put up there that is the general reason why I am -Supporting this application.
  7. Bro so sad to see you go. Imma go eat some chicken and rice now peace out.
  8. I have no access to the form and it is fine
  9. DENIED You weren't just blacklisted for annoying him from what I remember you were also disrespecting him. From your track record and my experience with you on the server you are a minge, as of right now you have stikes with E-11 and a DNP for 2 weeks for minge. You reason has to be 150+ and the "I just want to play CI" isn't a good answer. As of right now you aren't coming into CI for sometime as in this appeal you have shown that you aren't willing to put in the work and if you were unblacklisted I don't think you would represent CI in a good way. You may reappeal in 3 months X. Commander Tony
  10. Was going to post something about this.
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