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Everything posted by KyleTheOne

  1. Thats something the swep creators have to do, I don't think Igneous can though.
  2. Love the format. I love BROAD games
  3. Lol being called Christmas lights isnt worth the models amazing or not. Not attacking you just saying.
  4. Ingame Name: Research Assistant Manager Kyle Discord Ign: KyleTheOne#8983 Funny Fact about yourself: I have never been killed in real life. Also October = My CI Commander
  5. MEGA +SUPPORT + Works his ass off for this branch + Great and natural Leader + Trustworthy + Can help 69th much more as their commander.
  6. I can fully agree with this statement Light has made. This test is very well thought of and well made and executed. Keep up the great work, I have high hopes for your Original.
  7. This is a very interesting test. Truly thinking outside of the box while taking elements from both SCPs. Keep up the great work as it is more than what I expect from you. I would like to see what else can be constructed.
  8. place this in the custom class section
  9. Harrison bro all EC COmmander Positions are full
  10. Bro of course the Best Admin is an Admin, I have not seena single admin listed here. Only Mods and JMT +. But best staff is my dad Hotshot
  11. This is an interesting test. I personally like it and it creates an environment where 049 is more happy. Keep up the good work
  12. Let's just take the time to appreciate the fact that it's such a big accident that he said the N Word and held down the Push To Talk button at the same time. Truly a trooper amongst men. Arusso did his job right and I feel the very title of this appeal sounds like Staff Diss. Get off your high horse and realize that it was your wrong doing, nothing on his part. So you better grow up, you get more out of life if you do. -Support wait out the ban bro.
  13. Hold up. There's a third one?
  14. Me being SM in gensec, Rang being CPT, Kade being HoS. Carp as manager (SCP SL Event was great). Light containment and heavy containment zone managers. Only TWO D class jobs.
  15. - Support. What you don't understand is that EC is heavily base on RP and how my boys decide to roleplay it. We have nothing to do since no one bothers to report in faults. Otherwise we can be a strong Battalion manning the AT - AT's and AT - ST's. I do honestly believe my branch has the potential to become a massive growing branch as I am currently trying to put all my effort in. What to you propose happen to the commanders of said branch removals.
  16. +Support I really trust you bro. Q16 needs a bit for juice He has come a long way and has really matured.
  17. I understand what SCP 1048 is. I know what it does. But I do not understand why your test involved sleeping with it. How at all is that beneficial to us? Please explain instead of telling me to research something I know. Your argument is, "Read the SCP". The foundation knows that it likes to build. and build it will. (Also I have no idea why 1048 screamed when 343 came in as no where does it say he was hurt). But, I will give you kudos for going out of your way to get a D Class to fall asleep with the bear. So in future, think harder about your tests and keep on working.
  18. Okay I'm gonna be simple with you. I don't really understand why you did this test. There seems to be really no point as we aren't meant to sleep with the SCPs? Please in the future think of more tests that can benefit the SCP Foundation instead.
  19. DENIED. After careful overview, I have decided to deny your application for resigned personnel. You will be missed buddy, I'm gonna miss you.
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