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Everything posted by KyleTheOne

  1. +Support I can't express how disappointed I was when you were kicked out of ET BUT. I Do really think that would be a great addition to the team. You have shown that you are a mature person at times and as the others mentioned before you could become a great trial mod. Overall I think you'd be great for this job and I want to see you there soon
  2. HUGE +SUPPORT I know that Arium has had warns in the past for very big reasons. But probably no one in SCPRP has had a greater change than he has. He has become a very well respected Commander for Alpha 1 and I honestly think that he deserves to be here with us as staff. Love you Arium and I forgive you. -KyleTheGyle
  3. KyleTheOne

    Ban appeal

    +Support Alright, this may be an unpopular opinion but I do think that it was a completely messed up thing to do. Though you have shown several times in the past that you are an extremely competent person and a great rper. Sometimes temptations can get the best of people but this your first major deviation from the rules as far as I know. I do think your ban should be shortened but I gotta agree with the fact that your SCP 343 access should be revoked. Respect ya bud but you did mess up
  4. +support Heard them talking about it. Harrison did say he wanted the warn gone
  5. Also a plain and boring test. It feels like not much effort has been put into it. Though i cant really talk
  6. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AKBElS_sgAhApjsqLLKVUfTa_uor1ZYyKLZOeKnkZRw/edit?usp=sharing
  7. Trae. For the smallest amount of time you were 3SG. You were a lad. You have proven to be an effective member to Alpha 1 and if you ever consider it im sure you'll be welcomed back in open arms. For may the stars guide you. Trae i shall now [REDACT] You.
  8. Date: 8/4/19 Interviewee: SCP-035 Interviewer: Junior Researcher Parker Background Info: "SCP-035 appears to be a white porcelain comedy mask, although, at times, it will change to tragedy." (Report on |SCP| Foundation Database). Not much is known about its origins or why it can cause severe physiological disorder to potential victims. ------------------------Begin Log-------------------------------- Parker: What causes you to give off your aura which causes depression? SCP-035: I don't really know I just give off depression by existing. Parker: What is the most important concept for you in this world? SCP-035: Possessions, because then I get to possess you. Parker: Do you feel the pain when your host gets hurt? SCP-035: No ------------------------END LOG--------------------------------
  9. Yeah this is basically ripped off of Terntihs Director Spire and the person who made Things Dr Bright is not allowed to do. Dogz asked for one so here it is. if you have any suggestions comment them. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rE7s28NRPhOFZenjRMBP_g9zN6uouGBoWEyV-C-eH7M/edit?usp=sharing
  10. Director Spire is not allowed to take 'Selfies' with Alpha 1 personal and upload it to his instagram. Because that would be a breach of foundation secrecy. Director Spire is not allowed to talk to Bright, touch Bright, approve anything bright does. You know what keep him away from bright
  11. less gooo boys a big - Support. Honest man, try to sound like you want in
  12. +Support It just clogs up the chat
  13. C'mon man. Of course you get the +Support. *Helpful and friendly *Calm and collected. *Hard working A1
  14. I'm gonna say it. +Support. Bor Bor has shown several times that she is worthy of a higher rank. She works really hard and she knows how to staff.
  15. There should be an all-time nerf when it comes to D Class CCs. They're honestly frustrating to fight against and it just causes more D Block riots. Someone made a d class with cloak gear. This needs to be put to a stop.
  16. ARE YOU KIDDING DAEDRAN? AFTER ALL THESE WEEKS OF ME TELLING YA JOIN NOW YOU APPLY? OF COURSE, YOU GET MY +SUPPORT. But lemme tell yait ain't an easy job. You may be my commander but can your stomach handle the pure terror of rdm rdm rdm, he said she said? Good luck bud.
  17. Ha ha ha Nexieys... DAWG YOU HAVE MY FAT +Support You're a great guy and really friendly I've seen you quite active on staff You show great leadership and thats what we need
  18. Name: Kyle Status on Roster: Active Reason For LOA(If Private then put as N/A): My parents are no longer content with my grades so therefore they are taking away my devices for at least a 1 month. Duration of LOA: 1 Month or more
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