Honestly, + Support
Has he minged in the past? yes, he undeniably has. I have witnessed him break rules, I've witnessed him be taken into multiple sits a day and be warned for many things. But, throughout these past few weeks, I've noticed a significant improvement in Chikens behavior. This last month i've seen Chiken be much more respectful to regular players and staff alike, he has genuinely tried to follow the rules and has became a much better overall player. He got in to one of the most prestigious departments on the server, and that wouldn't have happened if he was still his old minging self.
I know that some people might disagree with me, but from what i've seen, Chiken made an effort to change and was met with a ban. 40 warns is a lot, yes, but i feel that its wrong to permanently ban someone that is making a clear effort to change.