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Everything posted by Shmoopy_boop

  1. Just to add on this, yes sometimes chiken can minge around and make a couple mistakes, but in any sit i've had with him, he's almost always been nothing but polite and respectful, even if the sit doesn't go in his favor. Yes he has a lot of warns but i know that he is making an effort to change that and it shows.
  2. What you want to see? - A Snar VS Fame rap battle. One night only, each of them have 5 minutes (or any other predetermined amount of time) to come up with bars, and they will both perform at a staff meeting. OR, they will have 5 minutes to choose a song, and perform their favorite part. Winner gets a teamspeak official PRP DJ tag. Why should we add it? - We need to determine who is the superior DJ. Both of them always play fire in the meetings and its only right that we crown a king What are the advantages of having this? - ego for the winner, eternal shame for the loser Who is it mainly for? - All staff, winners ego Links to any content -
  3. - Support Trying to pass off the majority of it to another person imitating you seems like you're trying to avoid a lot of the responsibility now that there have been consequences for your actions. Even if there was someone imitating you and minging around, It takes A LOT of minging to be blacklisted, like an absurd amount. You still had a major part in this blacklist, with or without someone trying to make you look bad.
  4. +/- Support Even if you were joking, I can see how anyone, not just Hannah, could take offence to this
  5. I believe i was there in the teamspeak when this happened, I can't remember exact details as it was sometime ago but I remember that you wanted the SNR to be warned, while he didn't think that it needed a warn and it escalated between you two. Need goats side.
  6. i see that old map in the background aha
  7. +support old warns/mockingbirb isnt a minge
  8. - Support You threatened to doxx the server, i think that says enough.
  9. + Support old warns that should be removed (even tho hes still a minge) jk love you
  10. +/- Support - I haven't seen you much ingame, in teamspeak or on the forums, despite our timezones only being seperated by 1 hour. - 16 is somewhat wrong, you are correct about calling a higher up but you also need to warn them for what they did. (has since fixed it) + You've been a part of the community a long time + 0 warns with almost a year on the server is great + former experience with staff I think you have the potential to be a great staff member, but as of now the main thing that I see holding you back is your activity, It could just be me however, and if other people say that you're active, i'll be more than happy to change to a + support! As always, good luck ~ Shmoopy
  11. At least get us a proper SteamID so it can be determined who you are and what you were banned for
  12. +/- Support Could lead to a lot of minging
  13. It doesn't hurt anyone to add it. I only suggested it because some some govt jobs have 3-4, sometimes 5 or more weapons. Manually filling all of them takes precious seconds that could make the difference in a situation. It obviously isn't a necessary change, just a quality of life one.
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