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Everything posted by Stumpy

  1. that ummmm dont know how to explain
  2. Is that you? if it is then dam your good
  3. SO MUCH CUTE DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. + support +Mature + the application is good GOOD LUCK!!!
  5. @Lil pump4663 that is the problem because only SMT can spawn for example cars and so on so... also events are not supposed to be scheduled they come up randomly they also post in advance if their is going to be a event in the forums
  6. Stumpy

    More Jobs

    + I would love it for more RP reasons - but like @Cole Phelps said we dont need a entire house only the president and VP
  7. - it would cause a lot of lag -no point to it because people stop already when they are tased
  8. In-Game Name: Stumpy Steam Name:(GL)Stumpy SteamID:STEAM_0:0:64763403 Are you a Moderator+? Yes How many post do you have on the website? 203 How often are you online on the forums? I am on the forums everyday for about 2 hours or more What timezone are you in? EST Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team? I want to be Forum Diplomat because I want to be able to help out people on forums if they need help. I am a very mature person to talk to and very kind no matter what situation it is. I always keep my calm and will work to my best ability to solve a problem with either a person or a post that is inappropriate. I want to make sure that the forums is a friendly place to do post or talk to people in general. I want to bring me to the next level on helping out the community. I am a very knowledgeable person on the forums and feel like I am ready for any situation that they throw at me. I will work to my best ability to being active on the forums and monitoring the forums making sure there is no inappropriate things. If someone needs a person to help them with something I will be there to help them on their situation. I usually learn something new everyday and if I join Forum Diplomat it would be a great journey for not only my experience but the people’s experience as well. I see a lot of people doing stuff that is not allowed in the shoutbox and I want to be able to stop that from happening again. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, how? I do have good judgement because I gained a lot of skills during my experience on gaminglight. I have a lot of Knowledge on the forums since I am on the forums everyday. Even when I am not Forum Diplomat I still try to solve problems with the knowledge I have. I am very kind and always keep my calm in certain situations. I am very dedicated staff member and always handle situations that are in need of help. People can always count on me to help them. I am a very trustworthy person and will do anything to get Forum Diplomat How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers? I would tell the person to leave it out of the shoutbox and after that I would remove the post that he has made. I would tell him if he continues to do the same thing he would face consequences if I need to do so. Now if he continues what I would do is pm him on what happened and what the ban was for. Than after that I would give him a ban appeal form. If they continue to complain on the shoutbox I would contact a SMT member to make sure that he wont post in the shoutbox again
  9. + would be a great idea!!!
  10. +support +great guy to talk too + really active +professional + will be great for support Good Luck!!!
  11. + would love this because it would be more realistic
  12. +support would be tons of fun and would love to see this added
  13. + support can bring more RP jobs and be a lot of fun but should be a job you need to get trained for because we dont want minges playing as it
  14. + Active In-Game/Teamspeak + Good Application +low warns - In-Active on the forums
  15. Stumpy

    Serious Rp

    + would love to see more seriousRP back in the server brings more fun into the community and feel like it will be a great addition to the community
  16. +/- support - ok app +really good knowledge of the rules +active in game -inactive on forums -need a little effort put into the application
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