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Everything posted by PhenixBoy300

  1. its called RP you dont need an ingame fingerprint database
  2. mass RDMed all of veltro for no good reason semi-active is 100% a minge not staff material\ also @Syruplol
  3. wow, thanks for you know, adding on to the idea guys : /
  4. -Also knows how o have fun while also RPing My only problem is your time. 1)I feel like you have more than 2 weeks but whatever 2)I feel like you should have a bit longer time but other than those 2 things, you deserve a soot as LT Good Luck ?
  5. What you want to see? - I want to see either a new department or a sub division/department in either the PD or in state troopers the would patrol either via land and a small amount of highly trained people that would fly around via air. There would be 2 teams of 6 people in an air team, Team Alpha an Team Bravo. the ranks would be as followed: HIGH COMMAND Commander/ Director Co-Commander/Deputy Director LOW COMMAND Team Lead (2| one for air, one for ground) Captain (2 for air, 3 for regular) SUPERVISORS SM FSGT SSGT NCOs/ENLISTED MSGT SGT CPL LCPL Basic Patrol Unit(BPU) CDT This is just an idea, am always open to suggestions so please say them if you have them, dont just put "- Support (reason)" or "+/- Support (reason)" Try to add on to the idea and help it grow! Why should we add it? - We should add it to help Government find BOLOs and AMBERs(missing persons alerts) on a suspects vehicle so that it makes finding someone easier, because it lets PD do traffic sops and same with state trooper, and this team of more el What are the advantages of having this? - it adds a whole new layer to RP because most LEOs would have a search and rescue team, especially in a city. Who is it mainly for? - Government Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=854861949 (PM me if it doesn't work)
  6. I agree Just because someone is wanted, doesn't mean there is n way to tell, IRL, police can pull suspects over based on the looks of the suspect and the looks of the wanted man, if DNA fingerprints, or the name match, then they can arrest them
  7. @TimMeMeSSS Your app is: ACCEPTED!!! (Just in the future, try to fill out the 100 word min with 100 words+) You have until the end of the day to contact me or @Zoobzy Jr a way to communicate so we can send the discord!
  8. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  9. @Mjay1808RIP Omega(JK, you guys were trash XD
  10. Приветствую товарищей (Welcome Comrades), Союз социалистов объединенных рабочих (to The Socialists Union of United Workers). Здесь наша задача - распространить коммунизм на мир и восстать против мирового правительства (Here our task is to spread communism to the world and rebel against the world government). Мы покажем миру, что мы являемся высшей группой в социальном мире. Мы победим всех на нашем пути, те, кто против нас, будут уничтожены. Многие из вас, возможно, видели нас в прошлом, вы можете подумать, что мы были довольно сильными, но также слабыми и разразились через несколько дней, это был всего лишь пробный прогон, чтобы проверить нашу силу. Мы будем убивать ВСЕ В НАШЕЙ ПУТЕ, так что или вы присоединитесь к нам, или вы умрете. СЛАВА К РЕВОЛЮЦИИ (We will show the world that we are the superior group in the social world. We will conquer all in our path, those that oppose us, will be wiped out. Many of you may have seen us in the past, you may think we were pretty strong, but also weak and will colaps after a few days, that was only a trial run to test our power. We will kill ALL IN OUR PATH, so either you join us, or you die. GLORY TO THE REVOLUTION). -Наше славный лидер Феникс (-Our Glorious leader Phenix) ROSTER: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RPKS95D1P2XmVYB8e_uqVaFVWL9ugbReIqcjwF9COr0/edit?usp=sharing APPLICATION: https://goo.gl/forms/UYMEsxtWxX0Ee1Yi2 PLEASE REMEMBER TO READ RULES AND INFO IN DISCORD IF ACCEPTED!!!!
  11. I am not in State, but I know you are a good person and you were a good State member, you will be missed
  12. still, people will just have this be removed or will just self supply, ect. its not a good idea
  13. What you want to see? - I want to see all CC guns able to buy from either a special gun dealer or Advanced gun dealer Why should we add it? - To make gun battles more fair, also people like me cant afford a CC so if we go up against one its 70-30 their favor. We would of course make them expensive (novas: 100-120k LMGs 200-500k), but it would be worth it. What are the advantages of having this? - To even out gun battles between s and regular people. Who is it mainly for? - Everyone that doesn't have a CC Links to any content - N/A
  14. - SUPPORT While it may decrease crime and improve basing, 50k for an AR, thats not realistic, one AK is worth about 3k IRL, so a shipment should be about 30k(but because of inflation, the amount of money people have, and other factors its 60k). Also, CCs have LMGs and Novas, so, they will just mow you down anyways, also, while money making is easier now, broke people cant afford much. another thing is, the only good guns at the moment are either CCs only or 100k+. an example of one of these is the SCAR-20, your saying make it 500k and while it is a good gun(its an auto sniper that can 2 shot a CC with 100 armor), its not worth it.
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