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Everything posted by PhenixBoy300

  1. yes you did @Snarlax (not actually, still need a week)
  2. Now, you probably read the title and thought "Excuse me but what the FU-- HECC" but, what this is is a competition to see who has the cutest dog(if you dont have a dog, you can post pics of cats, birds, ect if you wish). I(and some others) will be judging them to find out who has the most cutest pet. After either 1 or 2 weeks, I will announce ON THIS POST who has one the competition. The prize at the end will be a minimum of 5 million dollars(in-game cash). Start Posting, I wish you all good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXAMPLE: "any kind of text you want"
  3. you basically just described all OFCs and SNRs
  4. XD, I dont think that was a no
  5. I was in it, im a star now I was in it for like 2 seconds when i switched to FBI and me and mikey had a FUBAR battle XD
  6. I havent seen you in game or on forums at all, app is bad and all over the place, but you were an SA
  7. +/- SUPPORT -not really active +low warns +past staff +good app I think you are a good guy, but your activity in-game needs to improve(I also know I haven't been active, but I am on LOA, so I haven't really been on for about a week, but I saw you on maybe one to three times a week, most likely timezones since I'm EST, other than that, you would be a great addition)
  8. -SUPPORT, we have FBI and you just want something like BSI back also some other departments are working on something...
  9. IT will be restricted to them, they won't even have access to the locker, it will be LCPL+ and you can only buy guns based on your rank, the rest are restricted, like the car salesmen
  10. Sums it up, but your still bad at HOI4 XD
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