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Everything posted by Mike_da_noob

  1. I just want to start off by saying when this happened I contacted staff immediately to take this to a sit. A nice trial-mod took it and realized that he could not bring Naby as he is a admin. I then began to ask for a solid 10 minutes for a admin+ to get on duty for a few minutes to help with this sit (We couldn't even tp him to the sit). Once he realized we where requesting an admin to help he suddenly left the server without any excuse and when I confronted him in chat before hand all he said was "NO". Please keep in mind by the time we could actually get and admin+ with 10 minutes of asking (All of them where rping) Naby was long gone and the damage logs where reset and nothing was coming up from that tie. Your In-game: Mikedagamer Your SteamID: STEAM_1:1:171626137 The player's name in-game: Naby The player's steam name (If you know it): [GL] Number 2 chav and his steam id is: STEAM_0:1:196498317 What did the player do: RDM and possibly left to avoid the punishment and confrontation. Evidence (REQUIRED): Keep in mind I tried my hardest to find all the info I could, most of the logs where already reset and cleared. Many people where there like the person that killed me after highlighted in one of the logs i have. So I was croutched next to naby with my chainsaw out I was looking at his playermodel (Good pic btw). I did NO damage to him and did not threaten him in anyway and he begins to shoot me with a shotgun. At this point im just backing up confused then Alistar finishes me off (We already settled the sit with her). Keep in mind he did not advert any warnings or anything he just starts to shoot. After this I wait a little for ems to revive me and then call a sit, I also ask Naby in chat why he killed me without warning or anything and all he said was "NO" (Ask anyone at the time in admin chat). So this trial mod (Very nice) and I start the sit with Alistair and conclude that she didn't need a warn but we needed an admin+ to get Naby over to the sit. We requested one for a solid 10 minutes while Naby was on the server until he suddenly left completely (I think it was ltap when he started to see that we where requesting someone high enough to get my sit done. I even asked on duty staff to teleport to the admins to come to me after Naby left before it was too late and sadly nobody came for a long time and it was too late. After about 15 min Deathzone came on duty but he told me that it was completely too late. So here we are now when I am making this post about 30 min after the incident. Also I heard in admin chat after he left that the staff on duty where getting another report of his rdm (I do not know how sound that one was).http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1339723662 Alistar is the one that finished me after Naby: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1339723910 Logs that show Naby never adverted anything:http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1339723662 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1339723758 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1339723829 Unfortunately the damage logs where cleared since it was like 10 min ago. What do you believe should happen to the player: A warn and a stern talking to. Any extra information: I hope that Naby just comes clean about this and you guys understand that I am not falsely accusing him (I am an active member of staff with no warns). I didnt even want him to get a warn until he left. I hope I stay on good terms with Naby after this even though I dont know him much and we all just get along!
  2. + Support I have seen on around and you seem professional and mature, also you made a good app. The only thing I would say is to be wayyy more active on the forums cut down on the warns in the future. Good luck!
  3. So I can’t find your steam in our system to check your past history on our sever, are you sure that’s your steam ID? Please pm instead of replying to this.
  4. What you want to see? - A new taser for the departments. Why should we add it? - The current one is very bland and fake looking. What are the advantages of having this? - Much more realism. It has the actual wires and everything! Who is it mainly for? - Everyone. Links to any content - https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/520/the-taser-gun-both-fun-and-necassary-for-law-enforcement Also someone made a post about shields and it seemed like it was really popular but I think it was abandoned, I just we get it as they where so cool looking!
  5. I saw this in a server before and it was good! Total + Support
  6. +10 bad*ss points But seriously I was asking bc corrupt cops are not allowed at all.
  7. Now when you said you had people in a ranks of government, are you saying that since it sounds cool or are you implying we have corrupt cops?
  8. Why are the options yes and no? Lol
  9. + Support Sure why not, we can also make them bicycle for hours to secretly power the servers for policerp :)
  10. + Support +Great app +Great player +No warns +Lots of experience +Long time member Good luck!
  11. Huge +Support It would actually make the bank more rped and make it so people can’t just walk behind the counter without being tackled. Btw I am pretty sure you can higher civilians as they are not criminals.
  12. SMT and the rest of the people will hopefully realize this was a joke that accidentally worked , Forrest should not be punished as low ranking staff and high ranking staff alike mess around at times.
  13. Wait SWAT, Sheriff, and CERT cannot be kidnapped? :O I see them kindnapped all the time.
  14. +/- Support I don’t think I have seen you ingame and your forum account is very inactive. However your app is good and you are a long time member. Good luck!
  15. + Support Yea that’s a good app... I guess. But really you put a lot of effort in and it shows you want staff. Good luck!
  16. - Support I don’t think there is that much lag where this would be necessary.
  17. Failure to be on-duty when the amount of staff per players is under will result in a staff strike, This includes if you are AFK or have previously been on, Their is no excuse!+ Support being afk is on an excuse. Staff can, but the handbook states that there is no excuses even if your afk.
  18. Yea he does have a point, although there is a lot of yuki members so it may get hard to compeltly avoid them.
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