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Everything posted by Mike_da_noob

  1. But don’t respond to your own app, Good luck!
  2. What you want to see? - A category on the forums for Secret Service. Why should we add it? - So that SS doesn’t have to post in FBI (Two very different branches). What are the advantages of having this? - It would make the forum more organized and prevent confusion when searching for SS documents.It would also improve the entirety of the branch. Who is it mainly for? - Secret Service, and anyone wanting to see the documents for them. Links to any content - N/A
  3. -Support Sorry but you don’t have many posts (Even though you pass the required amount) and your app was a bit short. Good luck!
  4. + Support +Seen around +Long time as SM -Kinda starting to be active. Good luck!
  5. How is he supposed to know what t mods can do? Anyway, Good luck!
  6. +/- Support + No warns +Good app +Long time member -Very new forums account -Left for a while Good luck!
  7. +/- Support +Seems professional +I do think I remember you +Good app -Inactive on forums -No poll
  8. + Support Seen on the server before and seems to be professional. The only thing is you have a good bit of warns, your forums account is inactive, and you have senior management in your profile pic. Be sure to change that as to not confuse any new comers into thinking your SMT. Good luck!
  9. I think ride alongs would be AMAZING, in real ones civs get a vest if they are sworn in by another armed agency. But we should only allow SGT+ to do them with LT+ permission to prevent a ton of people from doing them.
  10. Huge + Support Although he only has 150 posts (Still above min) I think he is ready for forum diplomat as he is mature and some what professional (Curses a lot...) Good luck! ps this marks my 400th post! :D
  11. - Support Kinda new to the community, and is also inactive on the forums. I have never seen him on probally because of the time zone difference. Good luck!
  12. + Support Mature, friendly, could be more active on the forums, but is ready for staff. Good luck!
  13. Hey guys so I want to know your all time favoriate television show. One of the best tv shows in the world for me has to be The Office, comment what your favoriate(s) are below!
  14. + Support I just wanna say that @th3 and @hannahyuki where very mature and professional in this report and instead of arguing like some staff members tend to do in reports, they discuss it like civil people. Just thank you guys for that, this is how the community should be within its staff team :D
  15. I mean you only joined he community two weeks ago...
  16. Of course I am not SMT and it’s soley their decision, but maybe go a bit more lenient and give him one more chance. He seems like he was really sorry I and know he was a good staff member and is still a good player. And if he does mess up again he could just get perma restricted or something equal. + Support
  17. Nice I think the closest thing I have gotten to brining the whole server would be like 10 people bc I accidentally typed the wrong thing, there user name was like Jin but I only put in and yea that happened.
  18. Wow Injoker should be demoted... Just kidding it happens to everyone. + Support
  19. Hey guys so I want to know your guys stories about any admin mistakes you have made on this server or another. This one time I slayed everyone bc I accidentally pressed * instead of ^ xD
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