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Everything posted by Mike_da_noob

  1. You should add something about the shooting range.
  2. +/- Support + See on a lot. + Long time member - Inactive forums account. - 10 warns is still a lot. -Never staffed before, although we all start somewhere.
  3. I kinda thought that would be with tresspassing for the sake of simplicity.
  4. Alright then, it was really creative of you guys to bring it to Rockford though!
  5. thank you but does this count as a family?
  6. How do I sign up xD ^But seriously if you need another doctor/member I have 30 years as a specialist doctor in the SCP foundation I am a good asset.
  7. Hey guys! I recently saw a post about making a penal guide for all police to follow within Rockford and thought I should make one. Please feel free to comment any feed and say any crimes I might have missed as it is currently a base list. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THIS IS UNOFFICIAL AND UNSANCTIONED, although it is under review currently. Enjoy it and feel free to use it as your guidelines! https://docs.google.com/document/d/11awKPcd_RPbFGCI0F7F29seQaZn8eiNZgblr9QGzdpo/edit?usp=sharing
  8. You have a good point, but I still believe t-mods should not have it at least. Donors can as they tend to not abuse because they are financially invested in the sever.
  9. HUGE + Support I completely agree with this, but staff can only use it when people have been dead for an extended period of time or if they where Rdmed. Also I think senior mod+ should only have it just Incase some staff members abuse it. Btw I think Jack Black had a defib somehow on duty and that turned out good.
  10. +Support I think they should cost $25,000 each as you loose them if you die. And I do agree that the mustard has really makes the criminal and gov teams unbalanced.
  11. These where some photos of ss during a convoy and during a speech. I am going to be honest, I am amazed with the professionalism of our branch and the tactical ability of each one of our agents. We had toured the pd and doc, having all entries guarded and secured. We completely fortified the mansion with two guard towers and a checkpoint too. If you are interested in join the department please visit the SS info post! http://steamcommunity.com/id/Mikedanoob/screenshots/
  12. He is ready, but the app could use some work. Good luck!
  13. I do think that is very passive aggressive, making a some what hostile environment which is not right, but it’s not really disrespect. More of an opinion.
  14. I agree in that Senior should have much more whitelists than mod as they are a trusted member of staff. The mod whitelists are fine as they are, especially since people are only mods for around two weeks or so.
  15. + Support Professional, mature, active on the forums, is ready for forum diplomat. Good luck!
  16. I changed my mind, a termination may be required. Earlier he randomly spawned an ems in the bank to revive RIGHT after a shooting, he then argued with another staff member about it. Of course this is up to SMT
  17. Has the player dissed before? If some then yes I believe a ban is due, if not then just a warning should be satisfactory, as long as there was no racism.
  18. Thank you, I have noticed people on both sides tend to break fearRP.
  19. + Support He did break quite a lot of rules and last night I was getting a good few people saying he was a minge. On the contrary, he just got donor mod so maybe he just needs a firm talking too. Also I am pretty sure he got in trouble yesterday with SMT for possibly the same issue, so this report might not be needed
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