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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Mike_da_noob

  1. + Support Your a good player and a good pd member. Good luck!
  2. yea, I do not feel that a staff restriction is needed, but Fame you really should not be telling anyone to f*ck off. The fact that you said you where telling the mafia person f*ck as an excuse is even worse, as that’s player dis not an excuse and your clearly lieing. Remember staff should be the most friendly people on the server and should NEVER argue in front of players, you broke both of those rules. Albani did seem like he was antagonizing the situation by talking to you in a passive aggressive manner. Until I here your side of the story I am going to stick with +Support as a senior mod should know better than to break those rules, plus you are supposed to be a good influence on t-mods. I do feel that a demotion is required for this situation. THIS IS MY VIEW POINT UNTIL I HEAR YOUR SIDE. By the way, Albani did a manager+ give you permission to record on duty?
  3. I hope to see you on the server!
  4. Don’t rlly know why I am getting hate for this, I am being serious lol
  5. Please follow the Suggestion format, your post may be removed if you don’t
  6. - Support SWAT and the other tactical branches are allowed to protect the prez if both SS high command and swat high command let them
  7. HUGE + Support This would add a really fun rp element to the server. But it would encourage more people to kill as they would just respawn instead of waiting ten minutes. I think doc should do it in front of the court yard of the jail. But we would need like three+ on to do a firing squad.
  8. So you made a compelling argument as you did warn him three times and he was corrupt. The thing is that I have seen swat and aru kill cops and gov officials for being corrupt so it is not just you. The officer was in the wrong for not letting you in, but you could have called an admin. I do not think that neither you nor the captain should be demoted
  9. Well technically no, but written in a lot of the sop’s it says “Approved by commissioner Nolan” so he might have a say in some things. But I think when it comes down to it no, all the departments have power overthemselves and nothing else. Unless there subdivisions and maybe cert since they are apart of state troopers. Also pd kinda has a little of power over the other ones since people usually need to get a certain rank there first before they join any other branches (Besides FBI). One thing is for sure PD is the most powerful branch, even though they don’t get any fancy weapons or anything.
  10. + Support T-mod should not warm a mod as stated in the handbook. He should have requested a senior mod+ However he is a new staff member and is nice and mature. And if what your saying is true then he should have given you a fair sit. For now this is where I stand until I see his side of the story.
  11. Your In-game: Mikedagamer Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:171626137 The admin's name in-game: Munchies The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A What warning did you receive: Player Dis Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-MY_qdkjTgJmmLn2p12lSSLwJdkcj1BD5sH80v5I1V4 Why do you think this warn was false: Well they day he did it he told me that he accidentally gave the wrong person the warm (me) and then he made a post about it in this section. Any extra information: The post he made about the warn for accepted a while ago and I have yet to have the warn gone, you can check for it in the accepted section too.
  12. + Support Your on often, you seem mature, and your app is good. Although your forum account is inactive and you have a good bit of warns. Goos luck!
  13. Although you do play on swat most of the time.
  14. +/ Support I do see you on daily, but never on pd, although you seem mature. Good luck!
  15. + Support Very active on the forums Good luck!
  16. The slippery dick (Search it up, not a trap it’s a fish).
  17. + Support I do not agree with the original post as admins are allowed to warn off duty, but I do not think that spamming admin chat is very professional.
  18. - Support If you only joined police RP two weeks ago you really should not be applying het, even if you played on militaryRP. Also your forum account is very inactive.
  19. -Support Not very active and did not try as hard as they could have on app. Good luck!
  20. + Support Good player who is active and professional. Good luck!
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