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Everything posted by Mike_da_noob

  1. Damn this is actually pretty cool, may I dare ask how you retrieved such a weapon?
  2. Totally agree that you should be able to do this, if someone is running from the police they could take this and run faster.
  3. + Support At times some people should skip ranks if they should tremendous skill and show leadership that excels others at his rank. In this case I have seen you on all the time and you always act mature and professional. Good luck!
  4. I have heard some strange things about those umbrella people, maybe you should see what’s really in that spice before you start selling it.
  5. +/- Support + Seen on before + Long time member + Seems professional and mature - Replied to own app -Not the best app Good luck!
  6. This is amazing, can I be a bailiff for the case? For anyone that thinks this is not good rp, it is making the Judge Job more played and making pd highsups touchable which is a really cool new rp sense! Also is this a class action for all the citizens?
  7. I do not want to argue in a thread, please message me if you would like to continue this via Forums PM’s. And I did see you ram it in I watched as you did it from a distance after I told you not to. That’s why I was so fast to respond when you did it moments later.
  8. - Support The current one is fine, also adding another one will only increase lag.
  9. Mike_da_noob


    - Support We just need to lower the amount entities they spawn, like they only need one freezer and not 12 things of ingredients. Ps. When you posted this I got an email titled “Meth” xD
  10. Because his intention was to drive it through the doors and close them, making the car go flying.
  11. I did not do that, I can’t even move cars unless I am buddied
  12. So the reason I warned you for prop block (I should have wrote it better) was because putting your car in front of a door is well blocking it. Also I did verbally warn you not to drive in it as it’s exploiting glitches, I noclipped a bit and saw that you where doing it. I am sure that you responded back to me as well saying sorry, confirming that you heard it. It is also not professional nor is it good to post in OOC multiple times that I am going to get demoted super fast to the whole server. Frankly I was doing my my job as a staff member and was more than fair with you. Also I told the GTR’s to stop, they did it right before I teleported there (I only saw one GTR). I hope that our relations stay professional and mature after this report.
  13. I feel like you could accomplish this better in FiveM, but this is cool.
  14. + Support It happens to all of us Jakeee ;)
  15. + Support It happens to everyone Jake ;)
  16. Huge + Support + Wrote am FTO handbook +Created an FTO Roster and idea for command +Shows dedication for department and will put in time and effort +Very good at training +Learned everything I know in pd from him Although he curses to an insanse extent. I hope to see you as command good luck!
  17. I do not want to start drama in anyway, I tried my hardest to settle this ingame before taking it here.
  18. + Support Seen ingame a lot and shows many of the leadership skills required to be apart of low command, he always makes sure pd are doing the correct things. He also listens to high ups well which is good. The only thing I would say is that he could yell at times. Good luck!
  19. It is totally up to Zeeptin as he knows best, but I do think it kinda ruins rp and well yes they are harder to shoot.
  20. How did they get flash bangs? They are like 2 grand a pop.
  21. You need to understand I wanted an admin since there was so many on, I didnt want to involve smt in something so silly as a warn. Plus I wanted to settle it ingame after you left but the admin that finally came on 10 min after u left (deathzone) said it was to late to do something ingame ,so I had to take it here. Also I never disrespected you in any manner Naby I hope we continue to have a professional reparations after this :) ,but I do find it immature to down rate th3's honest response.
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