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Everything posted by Mike_da_noob

  1. In-Game Name: Mikedagamer Steam Name: [GL]Mike_da_noob SteamID: STEAM_1:1:171626137 Are you a Moderator+? Yes How many post do you have on the website? 240 How often are you online on the forums? Very often, when I am not at school I go on it once every hour besides night time of course. What timezone are you in? EST Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team? I would like to join the forum diplomat team to aid the server more than required, so it stays a happy and whole community. I would also like to be apart of the forum diplomat team so that I can make the forums a better place and clean from bots and minges. On top of that I wish to achieve this rank so that I can gain more knowledge on how to be the best staff member I can making me a more affective staff member! Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, how? I feel that I have good judgment because I make sure I get both sides of every story before taking any disciplinary action. I also ensure that posts and players are actually breaking rules and the degree at which they are broken to ensure a proper and just outcome. In addition to the above I always make sure to look at things in a professional manner instead of a personal level, to remove any possible bias. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers? I would ensure that they posted 3+ messages in a row (the standard for spam) then tell the player via chat box and messages to post a ban appeal following the format provided (I would give them the link) and wait for a response from high ranking staff. After that I would remove the spam messages and continue to monitor the player and the other posts.
  2. + Support Good player who follows the rules and is on often. Not to mention, he has had his rank for over two months. Good luck!
  3. + Support This makes sense, and a second slot for commander would also be reasonable because the roster calls for a vice commander.
  4. Yea I think that would be best, if we keep posting in general things will get lost. Btw try to get your important posts pinned :)
  5. If it is helping the server it really is not abuse. - Support
  6. EMS will be retrained anyway since there is going to be a new chief
  7. hat you want to see? - A Secret Service area in the forums, just like the other branches have. Why should we add it? - So that Secret Service can post their things in a specific area instead of in the general section. What are the advantages of having this? - It makes things much more organized, frees up the general section, and really adds to the creditiality of the secret service branch. Who is it mainly for? - Secret Service, but really anyone on the forums Links to any content - N/A
  8. Hey guys! We had our first presidential speech as SS tonight, as you can see from the photos below we had a convoy in the back incase things went bad and we needed to move the president, I made a bullet resistant podium for the president to talk on, we had FBI Deputy Director Cole with a sniper in the back, a few FBI agents in the front, aru, state patrol, ptu, and a big crowd of people! Special thanks to Th3 for making stuff like this possible! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1311332054 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1311331858 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1311331772 If you would like to do stuff like this with us be free to join the Secret Service, you only need to be willing to obey the rules and a FBI SA or higher!!!
  9. 46% of the websites traffic comes from Canada
  10. I mean I never heard that staff can move their cars but this seems ok to me
  11. So I recently saw the traffic we have here and thought wow we have a lot of people around the world. So post in the comments what country you are from! I am from America, specifically Florida.
  12. Wow that may be a little out of date, Idon’t believe we have bonds anymore.
  13. I can understand that you tried to create a rp experience which really would make sense in real life, but this is merely just semi-serious rp. James really should have been nicer to you however. If what you say is true he also should have been nicer to you and more professional. +/- Support
  14. HUGE - Support Did not wait the required 14 days to repost.
  15. - Support + Seen ingame before - Very inactive forums account - High amount of warns - No effort in app - No vote Good luck!
  16. Here are some banners that people can use for the secret service documents. Enjoy! https://m.imgur.com/a/hlvo1
  17. And I thought my situation was bad...
  18. I can’t buy cat food for my eight cats ?
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