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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Mike_da_noob

  1. + Support Multiple people saw that he was on duty when this occurred.
  2. + Support I have seen on the sever often, although their forum account is very new they did make a decent app. Good luck!
  3. +Support Very active player who is professional and mature. Good luck!
  4. + Support A very active member that is very mature and professional. Good luck!
  5. + Support +Large app +No warns +Seen ingame a lot. -Not very active in forums. Good luck!
  6. + Support A very active and dedicated officer who is always professional. I don’t think I have seen you on recently though. Good luck!
  7. + Support Shows eagerness to grow in the branch and is on very often. Good luck!
  8. + Support You are very active on the forms and your a high rank. Good luck!
  9. Compeltly agree, it’s like we are all against each other. Let’s just be a happy staff team :)
  10. I guess this suggestion is not going to well lol
  11. Can you do Discord tags? Btw it’s rlly nice that ur still working!
  12. Mike_da_noob

    Please Read

    I agree, a shoot out every once and a while is fun, but it is not very good rp when every time somebody gets pulled over they either run away or shoot because of a $250 fine.
  13. Unfortunately so, I really don’t know why everyone is up everyone’s backs about the smallest things that do not affect the server nor themselves. Forrest is a good player, he was probally just joking around I do not feel that any demotion or strike is neccessary as it did not ruin any rp or abuse of power.
  14. Yea that is true... sorry - Support
  15. Mike_da_noob

    Mod app

    - Support Sorry, but I have never seen you on the server, your forum account is not active, your app is not very good, and you really are not descriptive. Good luck!
  16. Well it’s nice that you said something instead of just keeping it as other people might have done :)
  17. + Support Very nice staff member who is always professional and mature. Good luck!
  18. + Support Very nice player who is active on the forums. Good luck!
  19. this has happened to me over 5 times even when I am telling them that I am waiting my NLR. Also some agents may break nlr bc thy are so close to possible assasinations.
  20. + Support I don’t think I have ever seen you on probally because we are in different time zones. On the contrary your app was great, you have plenty of experience, low warns, a active forum account, all of which is why I would like to see you on the staff team! Good luck!
  21. - Support This is making better rp for all the players, also bloods and crips are being used much more which is great!
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