A lot of people tend to not understand what this magical thing called "Weapon Balance" is. Not every gun is meant to be powerful. Not every gun is meant to be weak. And most importantly, Not every gun is meant to be the same. Weapons are supposed to be good for different reasons. While yes, the Negev is an extremely powerful weapon, it is only that powerful if you are very close to your target. If you're going up against an Assault rifle down a corridor, you're not going to win that fight. Each weapon should have a playstyle, and just because one weapon excels in a certain style, doesn't mean it should be nerfed. While I am in no means saying that all weapons are balanced, I'm saying that a lot of people seem to lack an understanding of this concept. For argument's sake, I nerf the Negev. Then, another LMG would become the best LMG in the server and people would start using that weapon instead. And then what? I nerf that one too?